PixelJunk Eden 2 Reviews

PixelJunk Eden 2 is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Dec 10, 2020

I spent close to a dozen hours with the main progression path in PixelJunk Eden 2, and I've hardly dug into the unlimited-time "choose your garden and Grimp" free-play mode. Whenever I feel the gotta-catch-'em-all collectathon itch, I'll be sure to head there first since that mode has its own achievements. You can't tell me the total number of seeds in each level and not expect me to hunt them down.

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Nintendo Life
Stuart Gipp
Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 13, 2020

PixelJunk Eden 2 is an odd duck, but it delivers an enjoyable and engaging time. Despite frontloading its status as an "audiovisual experience", we found it fun in and of itself. The litmus test, of course, being "would this game still be fun if it had Vectrex-level graphics", and thankfully in this case it absolutely would. A lack of variety hurts it somewhat, but if you treat it as an occasional treat to dip into rather than an extensive campaign that must be cleared, PixelJunk Eden 2 is a welcome addition to your Switch library. Let's just hope that Eden 3 doesn't skimp on the nudity again.

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Jan 31, 2021

PixelJunk Eden 2 delivers more of the same.

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7 / 10
Feb 2, 2021

A fairly niche experience is here to be had. It is unique, bold and above all pretty cool! When it comes down to it, PixelJunk Eden 2 is an easy experience to get lost in. It is obviously not going to satisfy everyone but for those this title strikes a nerve with it will be a lasting enjoyable experience and memory.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2020

The various gameplay mods that come out of the different Grimps and Spices are clever in how they usually alter the play style just enough to make you approach each level in a different way. This is one of the most mindfully aware games I've ever played. It's well worth sitting down with if you just want to be in the moment and clear your mind.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 10, 2021

Pixeljunk Eden 2 is a very strange game for me, since it was originally one I bounced off of hard, due to the simplicity of the controls and basic help menu not really giving me much of a direction to go off of at first, with me flying around aimlessly for several attempts before I finally cleared a garden. Yet once I got the gameplay loop of absorb, flick, absorb to hook on me, I was enthralled with the nature of this game, and honestly just had a bunch of fun exploring each of the gardens and watching new pathways and areas grow, even mindlessly exploring and collecting pollen long after I needed to.

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