Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 4 Reviews

Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 4 is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
May 18, 2021

SuperCross 4 takes the prospect of a sport with a fervent fan-base and doubles down on making the gameplay a divisive introduction to the franchise for newcomers. It isn’t quite inside the distinctions of a simulator, but it is the closest this franchise has come yet to that notion. Your mileage may vary in this regard, but the mud and sand covered competition of Monster’s latest installment are ready to test you.

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9 / 10
Mar 8, 2021

The new Milestone release of Supercross 4 is one of the best supercross games out there, that gives the most realistic feel when the settings are right. A must-buy if you're into Supercross and enjoy the releases Milestone sends out.

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Apr 9, 2021

Monster Energy Supercross 4 is a fairly hardcore title with a steep learning curve, but it doesn't really offer that much to experienced veterans of the MXGP series. It also doesn't really bring anything new to the table and the career mode is badly implemented.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2021

In short, Monster Energy Supercross 4 is Milestone’s 4th attempt to bring the world of licensed Supercross onto our consoles, and this iterative upgrade does not fix what isn’t broken, mostly just switching out content and applying minor improvements here and there – a rather frequent sight in days where all development is heavily impacted by the COVID-19 restrictions. It does feature a bit more eye-candy if you’re on Series X or S, but nothing too fancy. It may not be the most spectacular or polished racer ever, but there really aren’t many games like this on the market, with the Italian studio once again delivering a solid enough title for bike fans to keep them busy until the next instalment.

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7.2 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2021

Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 4 is a title that will make all fans of the genre happy and still proves to be a good game even for those who want to approach this motorcycle discipline only now, as long as they have the patience to learn the fundamentals of motocross losing many of the first races and struggling a lot, considering the steep learning curve and an excellent AI that certainly does not facilitate easy victories for beginners. A title that doesn’t make significant progress in the franchise, considering the cross-gen nature of the production but which is confirmed on good levels and which certainly deserves to be recommended to those who want an excellent amount of content and that makes good use of the official licenses available with official tracks and motorbikes and an impressive amount of personalization of the riders' uniforms and of the motorcycle components.

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Echo Boomer
Diogo dos Santos
Mar 11, 2021

Is this is your first entry in the genre, get ready to some challenges.

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8 / 10
Mar 9, 2021

While the experience is epic, even for a total noob at realistic sports games like me, I have to dock points for the rough on-boarding experience in this otherwise excellent title. A persistent beginner will have the game grow on them and potentially make them an even bigger Supercross fan. But if you’re totally new and curious about the sport, the weak tutorial and lack of explanation of terms in the sport is a significant barrier.

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3.5 / 5.0
Mar 8, 2021

When it comes down to it, Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 4 is absolutely a game for pre-existing fans—whether casual or hardcore—of supercross. So long as you know a thing or two about the sport, you probably won’t have too much of an issue jumping right into things, and I’m sure that you’ll enjoy all that the game has to offer. Those who don’t know anything about supercross might want to watch out, however. While things are nice and friendly once you understand the basics, you’re in for a pretty rough start if you’re coming in completely green.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2021

Supercross 4 is undoubtedly the Forza of the motocross world. It is an immaculate representation of this form of motorsport. However, its grueling riding mechanics and difficulty truly make you feel like a rookie when you begin. There are some great ways to upgrade your ride and express yourself with player and bike customizations. If you are patient and put in the effort the game is extremely rewarding knowing that you developed your skills to compete with the best. There are plenty of modes, challenges, and variety in the game to keep you busy. Yet, like any other grind, it gets repetitive and ends up feeling samey.

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61 / 100
Mar 8, 2021

Supercross 4 basically is a great game - but it crashes with its AI system. The AI makes the game incredibly hard at times - which would be ok if the difficulty settings weren't that unreliable. If Milestone ever fixes that, there's a good career mode to enjoy.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2021

This is still far from what I expect from a proper next-gen racing game, but Monster Energy Supercross 4 is a pretty good game in its own right. It’s brutally challenging at first, but rewarding. It is chock-full of content, with a sizeable career mode, lots of tracks and licensed bikers, and a great track editor to boot.

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80 / 100
Mar 8, 2021

Monster Energy Supercross 4 is not a game for everyone, which is the way of saying that we are facing a demanding game for lovers of the genre who do not mind spending the necessary time to climb along the trajectory mode, its main asset. Milestone is specializing in these types of games, they feel comfortable, and hopefully they will continue to give their all for many years.

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Noisy Pixel
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2021

Monster Energy Supercross 4 is a stunningly beautiful game. It’s exhilarating and unique, but some elements feel unfinished. I’m sure Multiplayer will be the biggest draw to play with friends or race online, but I still had a lot of unexpected fun playing single-player races. While graphics are perhaps the best in the series to date, they still appear flat in some areas, especially the compound.

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