DreamWorks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure

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DreamWorks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure Trailers
Dreamworks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure | Launch Trailer | US MULTI
Dreamworks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure | Gameplay Trailer
Critic Reviews for DreamWorks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure
Dreamworks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure might be a lot of fun, if it would function long enough for a kid to play it. This game is broken in nearly every way possible: the graphics stutter and shake, the save files won't load, and the quest lines lead players in circles. There is no way a responsible adult should hand a child a game in this condition-is is simply unplayable.
Does Dreamworks Spirit: Lucky’s Big Adventure have any redeeming features? Sadly, I can’t think of one nice thing to say about the game. It has an easy platinum trophy that’ll unlock simply by finishing the story? It felt more like a commiseration prize for the three hours of my life I wasn’t getting back. Even if you’re a fan of the Spirit franchise, don’t waste your time on this. Kids deserve better.
Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure is by far one of the most bored games in history. Want to make your child fun? Go to the movie, and avoid this rot with a wide bow - preferably in a gallop.
Review in Polish | Read full review
Are you a fan of the source material? Do you have kids who love the show? Then this is an easy recommendation, as they’ll have a blast with its decent presentation and easy-to-acquire platinum trophy. If neither you or your kids care about Spirit, then there’s little in here that will make you want to play it. It’s way too simplistic and quite unpolished, with little to no challenge or lasting appeal for anyone over the age of ten.
This has everything a parent or an older sibling needs when choosing a video game for the younger members of their household and it also has all the things that make modern open world games tick so this can act as a nice practice run for when those younger children become older life-long gamers.
Review in Persian | Read full review
A very short and boring game that barely manages to keep the player’s attention. Plagued with performance issues and repetitive missions, this isn’t what the Spirit franchise deserved.