Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania Reviews

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2021

The quality and enjoyment level of Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania are decided by how much you enjoy the series, but one thing is certain: there will be no shortage of content.

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Oct 4, 2021

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania is the most complete definitive version of the most loved by fans Monkey ball series videogames, and the ones that gave rise to this popular franchise. Sega, aware of this, wanted to rescue them for their 20th anniversary and give them a good face lift.

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Tom Hynes
Sep 29, 2021

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania is easily the best party game of the year and is also one of the most generous packages in terms of offerings and pricing I’ve had the pleasure of putting in my PS5. If you’re looking for something wild, a bit different, and a game that will give you hours of multiplayer fun, there’s no easier recommendation to make.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2021

Banana Mania offers so many playable modes and levels that I was instantly in love. For its initial asking price, the game is a steal. Although ultimately how this game appeals to someone will vary on whether or not the gameplay clicks with them. It can be fun, and there are tools to help you get through the toughest parts of the game, but if you do not like monkey maze pinball this game can be a hard sell. Check out some streams and see if it is for you; because if it is, this collection is going to be your dream game.

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6 / 10.0
Oct 2, 2021

Nostalgia might have some fans of Super Monkey Ball trapped in the little ball with them, running their little feet, futile against the inevitability of gravity. But for those not already on the inside, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania is skippable.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 2, 2021

The amount of content provided through many different modes and at this price point make Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania a great choice as a fun group activity that gamers of all ages can experience using many different helpful options and have a great time playing it.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2021

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania delivers what fans of the series would expect and puts everything into one great package with well integrated new guest characters. With the release on the current gen it finally reaches its full multiplayer potential with lots of offline and new online modes. The reducing of the story cutscenes to the new comic styled sequences and the small soundtrack selection are the only things that players will have to get used to.

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Sep 29, 2021

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania was a great dive into a franchise I haven’t touched since the GameCube. The gameplay felt tight, the challenges were challenging, and only a few times did the game ever give me controller smashing frustration. That said, there’s enough content here to keep a party of friends satiated, and a good onboarding system with the helper mode lets new players stick around for longer.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2021

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania is a major step up from Banana Blitz HD. Thanks to a better source material, both the single and multiplayer content is great. There are some changes with the physics that can lead to very frustrating moments, but as a whole, this is a return to form. Not every new idea lands, but the sheer amount of content for every kind of player will ensure there is something for everyone.

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3.5 / 5.0
Sep 29, 2021

While not without its share of issues, you can’t say Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania doesn’t give you your money’s worth. With 300 stages to master and a wealth of modes and mini-games to enjoy, there’s more than enough monkey business on this disc to keep you rolling for weeks on end. However, if you never cared for the series before, then this collection probably isn’t going to win you over. Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania is a vibrant celebration of the series’ history that will test both your skills and your patience. But if you’re up for the challenge, don’t hesitate to add this to your PS5 library.

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90 / 100
Sep 29, 2021

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania comes loaded with game modes that will keep us hooked for hours and hours, making it an incredible 20th anniversary tribute. The mini-games and multiplayer modes add even more replayability and fun. A game not to be missed.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2021

A fabulous collection of one of gaming's most deceptively difficult games, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania is pure, unadulterated fun.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2021

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania is a roaring success and a fitting anniversary title for a mostly forgotten series. When it comes to fun, challenge, and charm, Banana Mania delivers in spades. It’s a crying shame about a lack of online, even if the leaderboards were a neat inclusion. I don’t think I have smiled, raged, paddied, and cheered this much in any other game this year. It’s a good time to monkey around, and I am excited to see what the future holds for the series.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2021

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania is a moment of stubborn insistence these games are dope, and it does everything it can to justify its stance. It’s the truth, after all, and it’s nice to see how gracefully Banana Mania achieves its goal. It’s a feel-good moment on the Super Monkey Ball timeline.

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