RPG Time: The Legend of Wright

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RPG Time: The Legend of Wright Trailers
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright - Story Trailer
『RPGタイム!~ライトの伝説~』公式アナウンストレーラー | Xbox
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright - E3 Trailer
Critic Reviews for RPG Time: The Legend of Wright
RPG Time: The Legend Of Wright is a beautifully imaginative, charming RPG. Protagonist Kenta's childlike glee paired with some inventive storytelling techniques and fantastic presentation make it feel like more than just a one-and-done title. The six-ish-hour campaign has enough to explore to bring you back for another go, even if the storyline sometimes feels slightly sporadic and unconnected. It's not perfect, with a soundtrack which quickly grates and narration that threatens to do the same, but it remains a charming childhood homage, and a gentle reminder for every player to keep their imagination alive.
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright is unassailably clever. There is nothing remotely like it, at least visually. Many elements work really well, from the hand-crafted animations to the idea of the game springing from the imagination of a precocious, game-loving kid. I wish the story had been a bit more layered, and I wish actually playing the game matched the fun and panache of its presentation. Still, RPG Time: The Legend of Wright deserves praise for the audacity of its ideas and their generally successful implementation.
The Legend of Wright is a unique title that really captures a moment in time. It perfectly encapsulates the nostalgia for the days of old-school RPGs and creating games during lunchtime with school friends. Kenta's game doesn't last for long and it has some frustrating moments, but The Legend of Wright is worth experiencing, as there is nothing else like it out there, and its shortcomings can easily be forgiven due to its overwhelming charm.
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright is a video game with many qualities. The concept behind it is delicious and its application is to be applauded: there is a lot, a lot of inventiveness in the way in which always new and stimulating situations are proposed, daughters of a creative cue that embellishes with extreme effectiveness what is still a basic playful structure, but not for this reason slender.
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A brief, but fun and creative experience that, despite being too simple for some, leads willing participants into a world of pure imagination.
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright is a game made by an aspiring designer who's currently a school-kid, or at least that's the game's premise. The focus of this game is largely on style, but it's not entirely devoid of substance. It is however held back a little by some annoying controls and Kenta's railroading.
While its gameplay is somewhat linear and hard to nail down, RPG Time: The Legend of Wright is a masterpiece of presentation that celebrates the joys of a child’s imagination.
RPG Time: The Legend of Wright is a game with the kind of visual presentation that must be revered and venerated by all, despite some weird fundamental gaps in its user-friendliness. Whilst there are absolutely some opportunities for additional polish, it’s ultimately a minor ding in what is otherwise an insanely impressive game. This is an example of the best of what indie games can bring to the table. It is beautiful, it is dumb, it is dorky, and it is constantly tripping over itself to show you its new cool ideas. The Legend of Wright deserves recognition and love for all the amazing stuff it’s bringing to the tabletop.