The Wolf Among Us: Episode 4 - In Sheep's Clothing Reviews

The Wolf Among Us: Episode 4 - In Sheep's Clothing is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jun 4, 2014

I'm still looking forward to what Telltale has in store next, especially after the high note that this episode finished on, but - I hate to say it - In Sheep's Clothing is easily the weakest episode in the series.

7 / 10.0
May 29, 2014

Despite the acting, music, and graphics teams doing their bang-up jobs, and the storyline taking some interesting turns toward an epic finale, Episode 4 of The Wolf Among Us was more than a little unsatisfying. Yes the writing's great but there's not enough content here, nor were there any choices that felt like they truly mattered or were shaping the plot.

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The Digital Fix
Rob Kershaw
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Jun 27, 2014

Exposition-heavy, yet light on actual plot development, In Sheep's Clothing is perhaps the weakest episode of The Wolf Among Us to date. That said, it redeems itself in the closing moments with one of the coolest fade-to-blacks seen in an interactive story to date. With the promise of a final epic confrontation on the cards, there may yet be time to determine whether the series' storyline does enough to justify its existence, or if it's another unfortunate case of mutton dressed as lamb.

Cheat Code Central
Angelo M. D’Argenio
Top Critic
4.7 / 5.0
May 28, 2014

I loved The Wolf Among Us: Episode 4:. It wasn't as active as other episodes, but I feel like I finally have a grasp on what is going on. I feel that I know what the ribbons were for, why Faith's head was chopped off, how Ichabod got involved in all of this, and what the Crooked Man is doing. It's like reading a good mystery novel. You may not be actively effecting the course of the novel, but your role is to figure out the mystery before it is revealed. I personally think I have it all figured out, but more importantly I think the issue is, and always has been, bigger than this murder mystery. I can't wait to see how it all turns out in episode 5.

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Brian S
Top Critic
May 29, 2014

The Wolf Among Us unsurprisingly remains top-notch from beginning to end of its penultimate episode of the season, but minor hiccups prevent In Sheep's Clothing from rising to the top.

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8 / 10.0
May 29, 2014

I'm not saying it isn't enjoyable; on the contrary, it all points towards a truly thrilling conclusion when the final episode hits later this summer. However, I do hope the final instalment of The Wolf Among Us season one has a little bit more flesh on it.

May 28, 2014

In Sheep's Clothing exists solely to flesh out backstory and set us up for the finale, making this review and the number at the end completely pointless. But on its own merits, this latest episode feels like a step sideways and a frustrating tease, especially when much of it probably should have been incorporated into earlier chapters and lacks impact at this late hour. As ruthlessly gripping and stylish as ever, though. I'm still enthralled by The Wolf Among Us, but Episode 5 absolutely must deliver and prove that our choices really mattered.

Jun 4, 2014

When announced, the idea of playing as the Sheriff in the prequel Fabletown wasn't exactly a homerun. Boiling the tapestry of characters and locales down to a single character's point of view was no sure success, but when playing 'In Sheep's Clothing' the payoff is apparent. Bigby, gruff and reformed, isn't the most righteous of characters, but stepping into his place and trying to redress all of the sick and twisted acts that have accumulated over four episodes, has meant becoming an integral part an engaging narrative, and brings to my mind the exploits of William Munny in 'Unforgiven.' As for the conclusion of 'In Sheep's Clothing,' it somehow makes the wait for the finale interminable and yet the cliffhanger seems like one worthy of great anticipation.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 28, 2014

The Wolf Among Us Episode 4: In Sheep's Clothing is by far one of the most engaging in the series, managing to bring together the many plot threads spun and finally setting the stage for the final chapter in the adventure series. While it may not have that much actual gameplay, the dialog is captivating and the few confrontations are intense, to say the least.

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4 / 5.0
Jun 16, 2014

The build up in this episode is excellent although I'm not sure the finale will be able to live up to the expectations it has set. We still don't know as much as we expected to by the end of episode 4. I'm just hoping Telltale gives the so far brilliant series a proper sendoff in the fifth episode. In Sheep's Clothing is a slower episode than what many have been expecting from the series but you'll never find a dull moment and always moving your analog stick to progress further in the story.

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62 / 100
Jun 5, 2014

So much of Episode 4 is table setting for the upcoming finale that the episode never finds its own identity: it's all middle. There's no real beginning or end, no narrative arc.

9.5 / 10.0
Jun 11, 2014

In Sheep's Clothing is the series' at its highest point. Thoughtful, exciting and with great character and narrative. It finally feels like the wolf is getting close to his prey, and when that final scene ends you'll be left wanting for more. If any one criticism can be leveled at In Sheep's Clothing, it is this: it sets the bar far too high for the last episode!

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67 / 100
Jun 10, 2014

In struggling to enjoy the short episode, players may question the entire series in itself. Is The Wolf Among Us overhyped? Was it worth players' time and money? Only time will tell, with the series' final episode, Cry Wolf, on the horizon.

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May 29, 2014

As the end of this season of The Wolf Among Us nears, this episode is basically an awesome set-up to the finale where the highly-anticipated showdown between the protagonist and mysterious, illusive antagonist takes place.

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