Oxenfree II: Lost Signals Reviews
Oxenfree II: Lost Signals brings the same level of charm and creepiness as its predecessor, and though its new perspective doesn't quite push narrative or gameplay elements far enough into the unknown, it's still an excellent scary story for a dark and stormy night.
With some of the best writing, voice acting, supernatural set pieces, and atmospheric settings ever, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is a must-play game. It was worth the wait, and if you're a fan of thrillers or sci-fi, this is a no-brainer.
Oxenfree II: Lost Signals' story is moving, moody, and meticulously crafted in line with your choices. Immersive in every way, the gameplay is deeply tied to the game's narrative, never feeling disjointed even as you move from chasing frequencies to traversing the land, and all of that succeeds because of how you, as Riley, fit into the story.
OXENFREE II: Lost Signals is an immaculately crafted adventure with endearing characters and engaging drama that resonated with me a lot more than I expected it would.
All in all, Oxenfree II: Lost Signals provides an experience that fans of the original will no doubt love. With refined gameplay features and a truly stunning presentation, there’s a lot here to keep fans of the genre happy for hours. However, a few technical issues and new-generation oversights keep Oxenfree II from being a game that truly stands out from the crowd, which is disappointing given the rest of its potential.
From start to finish Oxenfree II is able to evolve in every aspect from the original. Night School Studio has created another exceptionally spooky story that ends with an even stronger emotional gut punch than the original. The puzzles are fun, if not challenging, and the way the game reacts to players' choices is not only a boon to the story but also seems as if it could encourage several playthroughs without getting stale.