Thunder Ray Reviews

Thunder Ray is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Sep 17, 2023

Thunder Ray brings a rare new boxing game to a Nintendo console and that by itself is worthy of praise. Thanks to a gorgeous visual presentation and a fun - if somewhat repetitive - gameplay, Thunder Ray will easily appeal to fans of boxing games who haven't had a chance to try something new for a while. There is room for improvement, however, as the difficulty can often feel very arbitrary for no reason, while the game is too short, which can both be corrected in a future follow-up, not to mention that a multiplayer mode would work wonders.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2023

Punch-Out in space, and instead of Mike Tyson you're up against a bunch of gym-loving aliens. As an homage, it's entertaining and looks unabashedly good, though I was aiming even higher.

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Sep 15, 2023
Thunder Ray | Review in 3 Minutes - YouTube video thumbnail
7.5 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2023

Thunder Ray is a well-constructed game, which pays due homage to Punch-Out, but with its own style. The fact that it was produced by a small team makes it even more admirable, but its duration is so short. It's inevitable and frustrating to want to play a few more matches, but not have more content to explore.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2023

Long time fans of Punch-Out should definitely check out Thunder Ray as it provides a stunning and fun modern day fix at a welcoming price of admission

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7 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2023

Thunder Ray delivers the classic boxing game experience with an exciting twist, bringing a unique and fresh vibe to the ring.

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7 / 10
Sep 7, 2023

Thunder Ray isn't perfect, but it is very good. The feel of the blows and the creativity of your opponents are very nicely executed. It's missing the minute precision of Punch-Out!!, but it's close enough, and while you can occasionally win matches at higher difficulties with a certain amount of luck, you'll get the most from the experience by mastering each opponent and earning a true sense of boxing accomplishment. Being able to toggle between difficulties and going back to previous opponents is great, and the entire thing feels polished and flashy. It could have been more elaborate, featuring more modes, and bonuses, but, as it stands, it's a brief but solid tribute for fans of Punch-Out!! to enjoy knocking into next week.

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3.8 / 5.0
Sep 5, 2023

Thunder Ray is indeed lacking content, and the gameplay is extremely short. Nonetheless, this was still an incredibly fun arcade boxing experience and a game that would catch the eyes of gamers from any generation as long as you’re not too fussed about the biggest drawbacks that were discussed. Thunder Ray definitely has something going on here, and hopefully, this is the starting point that’ll lead to updates, more features, and possibly a sequel in the future.

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