Gargoyles Remastered

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Critic Reviews for Gargoyles Remastered
For better or worse, Gargoyles Remastered remains a product of its time.
Gargoyles Remastered is an okay remaster of an okay game. Its moody 16-bit visuals and challenging difficulty will no doubt appeal to some, especially fans of the show, but its short length and often unfair design certainly hold it back from greatness. We'd say this one might be worth picking up if you can find it on a pretty decent sale down the road-it's entertaining enough despite its shortcomings-but you're not really going to be missing out on a ton if you choose to pass on it.
Gargoyles Remastered is too faithful to the original to make it fit on modern consoles, but the art style and music carry you through. The rewind feature helps with the challenge, but overall it feels pretty lifeless in today's day and age.
Truly, this is one for the fans. It’s a remaster for people who have fond memories of renting it for the Genesis back in the day. Fans of the cartoon might also find some value in it, as much as it tends to be an unfaithful adaptation. For everyone else, there are a lot of other games you can play before you need to reach the depths of Gargoyles. It’s not terrible, it just isn’t good. But at least it hasn’t been left sleeping for one thousand years.
I’m not really upset that I went back to Gargoyles to re-explore some fun childhood memories. This game was special to me as a huge fan of the cartoon series, and I really liked how they adapted the old graphics into a new art style that was so much closer to the animation. I also like that the old graphics and sounds are still here and you can switch back and forth between them as much as you wish. I find it hard to credit Gargoyles Remastered for having a rewind button, because I think it’s simply a necessity to alleviate the frustration of a ridiculously difficult game. It also doesn’t fully alleviate that frustration because of its limitations. Gargoyles Remastered is an interesting and pretty walk down memory lane, but you’d better be ready to have any rose-colored glasses shattered by its unforgiving gameplay if you take that walk.
Gargoyles Remastered is a disappointing time. Fans of the original will delight in getting to play it on a modern system and the quick rewind helps to alleviate some of the more egregious design choices, but it also highlights how barebones this remaster really is. The rough and ready feel isn't helped by modern visuals that look aesthetically worse and seem to add extra lag and imprecision to the controls. This is one oldie that perhaps should have been left to sleep in stony isolation.
Gargoyles Remastered is a proper remastering of a Sega Genesis classic (unreleased in Europe) that goes beyond the typical Disney Classic by updating graphics and sound... But that's it: the gameplay is as clunky and frustrating as it was in 1995, and with no extras or galleries, the package is very sloppy.
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Limited Run is only selling physical copies of Gargoyles Remastered until October 22, so if you have any nostalgic love for this game, you have 3 days from the publication of this review to pick it up! And I really hope that you do. As much I can’t recommend Gargoyles Remastered to most players, I really appreciate Disney Games and Limited Run for creating quality remasters of retro games that aren’t in high demand. I have so much love and support for this project. I’d love to see this kind of treatment for more 16-bit Disney games like The Magical Quest trilogy, Mickey Mania, or Goof Troop.