Big Pharma Reviews
Big Pharma has a lot to offer for players who want a deep management simulator.
Big Pharma might not be a cure-all product, but it should definitely alleviate that simulation itch for some.
Big Pharma takes the cake when it comes to puzzle games that can both be therapeutic to watch, while being the right level of infuriatingly difficult to make you come back for more. If you are a fan of sizzle games, you owe it to yourself to take a look.
If you want a brilliantly designed logistical puzzler then so many other games offer so much more.
Certain scenarios will test your morals by forcing unfair economic sanctions or an overabundance of bad ingredients on you, all designed to test how easily you slip to the dark side
While the idea of Big Pharma is interesting, and could have the potential to engage some players in many hours of gameplay, the implementation causes this to be not enjoyable. Text that is so small that it is hard to read, alongside with information disappearing and reappearing, are somewhat annoying, so much so that some may decide to give up before even exploring the title's full potential. That along with confusing tutorial instructions, make for a disappointing gameplay overall.
These management simulation style games certainly have their place, and since they aren’t well-represented on the Switch I have no doubts Big Pharma will be enticing to the right crowd that has been starved for this sort of experience...
I feel Big Pharma would be much more satisfying if I was playing the PC version, as this port hasn’t been done very well, with its mediocre graphics, clunky controls and confusing menus.
Big Pharma is quite a nice game on a PC, but on console it's lacking. Controls are terrible and interface not friendly at all. You can't really recommend it to anyone with a clear conscience as it needs plenty of time to struggle with game's interface.
Review in Polish | Read full review
A very unique and fun title but difficult when getting started