Caves of Qud Reviews
Caves of Qud is a genre-defining achievement in play, story, and roleplaying freedom.
Densely imagined and as complex as you fancy, this roguelike RPG is brilliant.
A rich roguelike RPG so deep you will need to bring a thousand torches just to get to the bottom of it.
A staggering achievement in terms of role-playing interactivity and flexibility, that also manages to be both accessible and maintain a fun sense of the absurd.
Caves of Qud is a game that will reward you more and more for putting in the time and effort to learn about it. Even just from scratching the surface, however, I am absolutely entranced by the worlds the game can create.
Some hardcore RPG old-timers will enjoy every single piece of Caves of Qud, yet the prehistoric visuals and teeth-grinding difficulty could be too much for modern players.
Review in Russian | Read full review
As we will tell in the review of Caves of Qud , what the authors accomplished is a sort of miracle that inevitably pushes us to reflect on the idiosyncrasies of the modern medium.
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