Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection

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Critic Reviews for Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection
Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection is an incredible work of game preservation, but some of the titles included remain a little rough around the edges.
For older fans wanting a hit of nostalgia, plenty of these games don’t hold up to revisits almost 25 years later. With none of the usual gubbins we’ve come to expect from retro anthologies, all you’re getting out of Early Days Collection is having your rose-tinted glasses stamped on.
There isn't a lot of heart in the cards with the Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection.
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection stays true to its sources and brings a little piece of history into the modern age. Unfortunately, dull mechanics and often unwieldy UI plague many of the games in the collection just as they did on first release, although amidst 14 titles, it would be impossible not to have a couple of winners.For us, Monster Capsule and the two World Championship Tournament titles shone through beautifully. Although the included games are certainly imperfect, we recognise the intentionality behind the collection's curation and feel that it's an excellent time capsule of the origins of the iconic Yu-Gi-Oh! Series.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Early Days Collection is the definitive compilation of classic handheld titles from its reign over card games. These are simple, unbalanced games, but charming and highly addictive. It doesn't seek to reinvent itself or compete within the genre, but rather to offer fans a gift that will relive a fun-filled era.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Poor choice of included games, an almost disrespectful lack of multiplayer, and no effort put into modernizing mechanics doesn’t exactly make for an enjoyable, user-friendly experience. Despite all of this, I’ve still had fun with it. It’s not great, but damnit, I kinda, sorta, like it.
It’s a good collection, but it could be even better. It could be great.
Collector difficult to recommend to all gamers. Excellent for nostalgics, less so for those approaching Yu-Gi-Oh for the first time
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