Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Descent Reviews

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Descent is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6.5 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2016

Descent feels a little bit of a disappointment. Two maps are fairly bland, with Beserk being the most interesting, and Empire while being a fantastic remake of Raid, doesn't suit the speed and core movement.

Jul 22, 2016

While it’s far removed from Call of Duty of old, it can still be fun. I enjoyed good fortune in my first match back since the last DLC to have a positive K/D ratio, just managed to win an incredibly tight match of Domination on Cryogen, out-scored a ludicrously dominant team in the second half of another Domination match a map later, and so on.

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6 / 10.0
Jul 12, 2016

At this point, I'm starting to grow tired of the cast that's been there since World at War (I still want to see more of Goldblum and company from Black Ops III's packed-in map), but the voice actors still give it their all and sell it all these years later. Dempsey is one of Steve Blum's best bit roles to date. Still, if you aren't keen on zombies (and many of you aren't, after nearly 10 years of it), you can probably stay away from Descent.

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Jul 18, 2016

Descent’s maps seem like Treyarch is tapering off.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jul 14, 2016

Zombies takes a welcome weird twist, but the new multiplayer maps are a bit meh

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68 / 100
Jul 16, 2016

Out of all the new multiplayer maps, “Empire” is truly the stand-out. This re-imagined map from Black Ops 2 looks fantastic..

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8 / 10
Jul 15, 2016

While two of the multiplayer maps ultimately let it down, Descent is Black Ops III's best DLC so far, thanks to the sheer madness and fun-factor of Gorod Krovi, one of the series' best Zombies maps. Empire and Berserk are also great additions to the multiplayer, adding their own individual styles to a once-monotonous selection of maps. Contrary to the expansion's title, Descent has ascended to the top of the Season Pass' pile.

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Gareth Fidler
Top Critic
7 / 10
Aug 7, 2016

Some of the content in Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Descent may or may not be the direct result of giving the work experience lad a bit too much sway when brainstorming for multiplayer locales, but credit where it's due, as it does add some much needed variety to the map rotation. While the selection is decent enough, Empire's vibrant splendour serves only to emphasise Cryogen's generic aesthetic, in the same way that Berserk's highly detailed, sprawling Nordic layout makes Rumble look fairly sterile in comparison. Fans of the shuffling undead will soak up every rotten second of the particularly strong 'Gorod Krovi' chapter, but it still remains a steep challenge for the lesser skilled zombie hunter who will likely never progress far enough to discover and enjoy its many secrets.

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Aug 13, 2016

While the set is not offering any new weapons or any drastic changes, it does offer new maps for players to enjoy and a top-notch Zombie mode which will help tide players over until the fourth pack and Infinite Warfare arrives.

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