I Am The Hero Reviews

I Am The Hero is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10
Apr 2, 2024

I Am The Hero is aesthetically pleasing, and its pixel art characters would have been at home on the SNES. The soundtrack also keeps you pumped, with a steady beat that compliments the fast combo-building pace. There are occasional lag issues sprinkled around when enemies start to swarm the screen, and particularly when you knock multiple foes into a wall. This is especially evident in co-op multiplayer, which only doubles the amount of chaos on the screen. However, this is a minor fault in an effective beat em’ up with layers of depth. While some may find it a tad on the easy side and lacking in story, the unlockables, great visuals, and just plain fun combo-building make it a good time.

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6 / 10
Feb 25, 2019

I Am the Hero evokes memories of the sidescrolling beat'em ups that made so much success in the late 1980s/early 1990s, aided by its very representative art style and overall amount of combos and attacks. Where I Am the Hero does not do its job well is on the overall gameplay experience, which feels repetitive, not to mention the flaws in its control system, which feel clunky difficult to use. Alas, it looks like this game falls short of the threshold that sidescrolling beat'em up fans hold.

Review in Portuguese |

80 / 100
Dec 12, 2018

I am the Hero is a short and sweet beat-em-up that mixes an accessible yet comprehensive gameplay system with some challenging gameplay and unique aesthetic. Pick this one up if you've got a hankering to destroy the forces of evil with punches and kicks!

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6 / 10.0
Dec 28, 2018

I Am The Hero is love letter to classic brawlers, though it's not as good as those of yesteryear. It lacks a story and it's over too quickly, but it could scratch that fighter itch if you're looking to kill a few hours.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2018

High-score chasers and leaderboard-savvy players will have lots to love, but those looking for a casual beat ’em up may find themselves turning away at some point.

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Nov 21, 2018

I Am the Hero isn’t the best example in the genre, but it isn’t among the worst, either. The story is forgettable, but it compensates with appealing, well-animated visuals and a varied musical score. Combat offers a galore of options, but the overall difficulty is just too low to incentivize their usage

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Mar 12, 2019

By spending money on I Am The Hero, you are basically getting a retro-inspired beat 'em up that will last for an evening or two. It's enjoyable, but its tiny length and replay value make it feel more like a forgettable rental.

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7 / 10
Jan 5, 2019

Short and sweet, I am the Hero is another example of why you don't need a big budget or a 50-hour campaign to make a good videogame. Smooth, deep combat and sharp, well-crafted levels and enemies ensure that this bite-size experience is an enjoyable one even despite its repetitive soundtrack and poor English translation.

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Jan 2, 2019

The game will take a handful of hours to complete, with challenging boss fights and multiple difficulty choices. On top of that, there are also extra modes to add more flavor to the game: Challenge and Fight. Challenge mode encourages you to see how long you last fighting wave upon wave of enemies, bringing it closer to an endless mode of sorts. As for Fight mode, as the name suggests, it's all about your fighting style. The game is a cross-buy release, and it also offers separate Platinum trophy lists so that you can unlock two Platinum trophies for your efforts if you're willing to put the extra time into it!

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7 / 10
Dec 4, 2018

I Am the Hero is a button-masher of a beat ‘em up that is simpler than other entries in the genre thanks to it being played on a single 2D plane instead of in a 2.5D plane as would be the case for, say, Final Fight. It does offer an interesting combo system that changes how you approach things, and having one life – unless you unlock and use an extra character – means you will need to be extra careful. Luckily the game has short levels, so when you die, you will only need to carry from the last level you reached. The game is cross-buy, so if you get the PlayStation 4 version you will also get the PlayStation Vita version at no extra cost, and the same applies the other way around.

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6 / 10
Mar 26, 2019

Ultimately, I Am The Hero is fun for an hour or so but it’s impossible to recommend beyond that unless you really miss the halcyon days of the side-scrolling beat ’em up. It may well be that you can push through it if you like to chase scores, but it just lacks that special something that made the classics so good.

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8.7 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2018

I am hero is a must play game that you can pick up and play on your own or with family and friends especially if your into the beat em up games that you grew up with. If you have yet to play one this is a good game to be your first. Reminds me of the older style 2D games and those were a blast.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2018

While the experience will likely only last you a few hours I think the style of the game and the options to enlist enemy grunts or new powers after each level (but not both) help make a case for its replayability. While some of the enemy types can be a bit more frustrating (looking at you, weird rappers with your words that attack) and the bosses can be a challenge for the most part because of the depth of the moves you have available to you it feels really good to play… and can be even more with a friend BTW. Even with as many great brawlers as there have been on the system this year it seems there’s room for yet another that’s notable and has a style (both in terms of visuals and gameplay) of its own.

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