The Evil Within 2 Reviews

The Evil Within 2 is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Dec 13, 2017

Overall, The Evil Within 2 is a huge turn around from its original outing and for some, they will love all the changes, and for some, they will hate it, for me though it was a great outing in a horrific world, that I certainly would not like to visit anytime soon.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2017

The Evil Within 2 plays out more like an action game than a survival horror. All the elements that it has in place take away from the restrictive close confines of traditional horror games and broadens the spectrum but lessens the atmosphere and impact a survival horror game should have.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2017

When it comes to gaming, this is by far the most welcome surprise I’ve had all year. Practically every issue I had with the first Evil Within is addressed here in some shape or form. The horror is ramped up, the storyline intriguing, the leads interesting and the gameplay fantastic. The Evil Within 2 takes the premise of a ‘single player, linear, story-driven game’ and proves that it can be done without placing too much emphasis on the ‘linear’ part of the equation. What Tango Gameworks has accomplished here is nothing short of fantastic. Well done!

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Nov 18, 2017

The game also dials back the gore aspect of the game the original had you literally swimming on blood most of the time. Instead, they went for the subtle approach and it worked. There were times when I was genuinely afraid to continue with the game. You would fight 4-5 creatures and move onto the next part of town where you would be met with a dark empty street that felt way too ominous and empty. It is extremely rare these days to play a sequel to a game which improved itself in every aspect graphics, sound, gameplay, story, and presentation. Every single aspect of the game was reworked to provide a better player experience. And with everything said and done I can say without a doubt that Evil Within 2 is easily one of the best survival horror games I played this year easily surpassing Resident Evil 7 and the best 25 hours I spent in recent memory.

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Oct 18, 2017
The Evil Within 2 - Logic Review video thumbnail
8.6 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2017

The Evil Within 2 is a completely different title. It is nothing like either the first game or any other survival-horror. The game flows well and it benefits from good mechanics. However, generally, if players approach the game from an “open world” perspective, they will find it easy and less challenging. Nevertheless, The Evil Within 2 is definitely worth playing multiple times and it has such potential to become one of Bethesda’s popular titles.

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8.8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2017

The Evil Within 2 is one of my favourite games this year, it’s not only a worthy sequel, but a must for fans of survival horror.

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7.9 / 10.0
Oct 17, 2017

Ultimately, we can say that The Evil Within 2 is a very interesting title that certainly opens new streets in Bethesda. Surely the plot is interesting and engaging, much less cryptic and actually more linear; although you lose a little at the level of "contortion" of events, in truth it gains a level on the narrative general front. Again, we are surrounded by a dull, intriguing atmosphere that challenges our every move and keeps us constantly in anxiety and alert. An atmosphere that once again joins the atmosphere of the 90s Survival horror. The design level remains well-studied and well-managed. Even at the technical level we are in front of a enjoyable title, both in terms of gameplay, level of texture and fluidity. FPSs are stable and we do not see any particular bugs. Additionally, texture care is quite enjoyable and although we still have some improvements, overall we are. Movements have also improved since the past, although some situations are slightly woody and animations are not always the best in the market. In general we recommend the title to all lovers of the horror Survival genre, you will not regret the choice.

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8.6 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2017

This is definitely a must own game. The developers did the survival horror genre a great service with making this. They have listened to feedback from their first game and delivered. Not only did they listen, they also expanded on the ideas and they did so with great care. This is a great game for any survival horror fan and even an easy decision maker for those just looking for a single player game with a story you can get lost in. It balances out the weird, alter universe stuff with a good dose of combat and narrative scenes.

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2017

The Evil Within 2 will probably please horror gaming enthusiasts hoping for a refreshing new, more freeform approach to survival horror, but fans of Shinji Mikami’s first triumphant game might leave underwhelmed.

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Oct 29, 2017

The Evil Within 2 is a better game than its predecessor; however, it’s also a less interesting one. The first game was fascinating and yet hard to recommend due to problems with pacing, sloppy storytelling, and plenty of bugs and glitches. The sequel corrects most of those problems and, to use a term I hate, is a far more polished experience as a result. I just wish Tango Gameworks hadn’t abandoned everything special about the original in the process.

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6.1 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2017

"The Evil Within 2 is a pretty average horror game. It's just fine, it's not offensively bad, it's not earth-shatteringly original. It's just serviceable, though the dialogue and writing leaves a lot to be desired."

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Oct 25, 2017

While the main narrative can feel off at times, a move to more open-ended areas and sidequests makes sure that The Evil Within 2 remains a chilling, but rewarding experience.

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8 / 10
Oct 18, 2017

The Evil Within 2 is a solid horror experience but doesn't live up to the expectations after playing the first game. However, it is polished in every single aspect and provides an entertaining plot with some shocker moments. Sadly, Shinji Mikami can't fear me like the last time which was what I hoped for.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2017

In general, the macabre that The Evil Within 2 brings is spectacular that times you can’t help it but admire the ‘artwork’ it supposedly brings. The adverse perception of this game: portraits coming to life, a door that wasn’t there in the first place, walking on stairs that you didn’t realize was there – messing up your sense of directions gives a foreboding horror while you explore.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 22, 2017

The story is very meaty in The Evil Within 2 (no pun intended) which will keep players engaged for a good many hours. It’s not a game with a simple blow through narrative though. It takes time to see it to completion.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 22, 2017

It may have made some design concessions that could dissuade fans of the original, but The Evil Within 2 is a far more engrossing nightmare that you won't want to wake up from.

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Oct 22, 2017

The Evil Within 2 is highly recommended to anyone who loves a horror game, and you don’t have to play the first one to get an understanding of what is going on

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2017

A decent enough action game trying, and failing, to be a horror game. Enjoyable, but fails to deliver the experience fans were craving.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2017

Almost all my complaints from the first game have been addressed and handled better. And to top it off, the things that I adored about the first game have been improved to an extremely high degree of polish. I seriously recommend this for anyone looking for something spooky to play this Halloween.

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