PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Reviews

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
85 / 100
Dec 26, 2017

PUBG is a new experience in a new trending genre. On contrary to Fortnite, the game is completely focused on realism and delivering a semi-sim shooting. The maps are really huge and there are many customization options. The only frustrating problem with PUBG is the poor performance and the lack of new contents in comparison to the other competitors.

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Kevin Tsai
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jan 19, 2018

PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds is not a perfect game, but there is a good reason why it has become one of the most popular, and discussed titles of 2017. A great synthesis of mechanics, map design, and emergent gameplay, as well as a successful reiteration of the groundwork built by previous games, mean that PUBG is a fantastic experience, when it's working as intended.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 14, 2018

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has a fresh idea, especially among FPS games. in this game we experience the struggle of 100 players for the victory. even though there are some technical problems, but we mustn't forget that PUBG is a cult game and that's why I love it.

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8 / 10
Jan 14, 2018

PlayerUknown's Battleground offers an experience like no other multiplayer shooter. While it may not have fully delivered on its potential, it's certainly getting there.

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83 / 100
Dec 26, 2017

Some technical hiccups aside, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds can provide some of the most intense and exciting moments multiplayer gaming has to offer thanks to a clever game mode that supports varied play-styles, and provides a unique self-contained adventure every round.

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Apr 9, 2024

PUBG still remains one of the most immersive battle royale games, but the rampant cheaters might never allow it to return to its former glory

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Jan 6, 2019

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds on PS4 is a great game, ruined by technical shortcomings and bad controls. The first can be fixed, but the second is tough to improve.

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55 / 100
Dec 25, 2017

It’s astonishing that Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds has become what it is today, despite its endless flaws that make it barely playable. Perhaps PUBG is a testament that a game doesn’t need to be stable to be successful.

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Jan 17, 2019

PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS, the game that popularized the Battle Royale genre, has finally arrived on PlayStation 4. It's definitely fun, but the technical issues hamper the experience a bit. If you don't mind those, you won't be disappointed.

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Jan 25, 2018

PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS tells us that the Battle Royale genre has finally matured. Its addicting and rewarding gameplay has attracted a huge audience and despite its minor issues, it's a worthy addition to your gaming library.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jan 8, 2019

Overall, PUBG is a fun battle royale that uses tension and planning to its advantage. This can often lead to long stretches of monotony, which will make even the most patient man squirm, but it feels worth it when you finally get towards the end of a round.

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4.5 / 10.0
Sep 19, 2018

The king of battle royale has fallen victim to regicide.

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8.8 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2018

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds isn't a perfect game, but it does battle royale right with a tactical style and few titles provide this addicting of an atmosphere.

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7.1 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2018

As a multiplayer game, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is pure and also one of the best choices for those who are fond of multiplayer games. If you want to adventure with your friends, this game can create great moments and new experiences for you. Play PUBG, yet don’t expect a phenomenon!

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Not Yet
Jan 5, 2018

In all honesty, I think the official release of PUBG should have been delayed further to iron out its most significant issues. Connection problems, lag, rubber-banding, and a rash of cheaters are the ingredients for an online game's death sentence if left unchecked. The devs have shown a fair amount of diligence in working on these issues post-release, however, and the future of the game could still be promising. At its core, it's still a thoroughly enjoyable experience, especially if you're playing with friends, and I think it could be the best example of a Battle Royale game to date. It just needs a bit more work and polish to get it far away from the Early Access state its currently in. If you are interested in trying PUBG, just do yourself the favour of getting on PC so you're not playing an interactive slideshow.

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Jan 17, 2018
PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS First Impressions | Considers video thumbnail
May 14, 2017

PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS delivers on the promise made by spiritual predecessors DayZ and Arma 3 with rivetingly intense, tactical gameplay that'll force you and your friends to think on your feet and watch each other's backs.

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Dec 22, 2017

PUBG is such a pure and fun experience that it overcomes its many flaws. There are glitches, there are crashes, there is jank. The game will probably never be fully done. But parachuting down onto that island feels new and exciting every time. A number of simple ideas comes together to make a great game and establish a great genre.