AIRHEART - Tales of broken Wings Reviews
Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings is a game whose crafting mechanic is a lot more interesting than the rest of the gameplay. It doesn't feel broken, it just feels like the flying gameplay is secondary to the inventive crafting.
Airheart presents an interesting idea with hints of brilliance, but fails to deliver a game with staying power. Whilst the upgrade system is satisfying, it's let down by repetitive gameplay and UI issues that get in the way even when playing with the endearing crafting system.
Airheart: Tales of Broken Wings has potential but without a solid story powering it forward and lots of tedious grinding, you'll struggle to see it through to the end. While the game is visually stunning and at least exciting in principle, Airheart never quite takes flight.
Aesthetically, the skies above Granaria are sublime. The graphics are beautiful, the music is superb, and the incredibly deep ecology of the flyfish that realistically react to overfishing patterns is so extensively detailed that I have no choice but to be impressed. However, repeating the same sections over and over to grind out money while trying to make progress with a crafting system that is so poorly explained made me dread every minute I spent with the game. There's a solid foundation for gameplay once you're in the skies chasing fish and fighting pirates, but every minute that you're not dogfighting your way through the clouds to chase exotic creatures is so frustrating and dull that I just can't bring myself to spend any more time searching for Amelia's elusive Skywhale.
Airheart: Takes of Broken Wings is an enjoyable twin-stick shooter if you are looking for a colorful grind through the skies.
For a title with such a strong concept, Airheart does shockingly little with its premise.
Airheart is worth checking out for twin-stick shooter fans that need a new fix, but otherwise, skip this flight.
Airheart takes a unique look on a roguelike game and handles unlike other twin-stick shooters. Generic storyline interjections aside the game crafts a nice looking world and keeps the challenge varied. I would recommend this for fans of the roguelike genre.