The King's Bird Reviews

The King's Bird is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2018

I rather enjoyed The King's Bird. There is definitely a magic to it and a draw that I found compelling, and found it was just as enjoyable to watch as to play as you find yourself drawn into the actions and struggles of whoever is playing, sharing in the "oohs" and "ahs" as they come oh so close or pull off an unexpectedly complex maneuver.  Taking turns as a family has turned out to be a very enjoyable family activity.

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65 / 100
Mar 17, 2019

The King's Bird fails for its imprecise and unnecessarily complicated gameplay for a platform game, making the experience more frustrating than fun. Even though the game has a stupendous look and a high quality soundtrack, it is difficult to recommend only for its technical side.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 12, 2019

Perhaps The King's Bird's brilliance shines through on other platforms. Maybe speedrunners will find the level timer an irresistible challenge. I might even Git Gud myself if significant updates round out the edges, but for now, I'd recommend something a bit more polished.

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67 / 100
Sep 15, 2018

There are a few issues holding The King's Bird back from being a true standout hit, but those who like their platformers to be a bit avant-garde, should be able to appreciate this virtual ride, along with speed run enthusiasts.

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Feb 12, 2019

Hardcore platformer fans will love the challenges that The King's Bird presents while less skilled gamers can still appreciate the gorgeous game world via the incredibly helpful Assist Mode.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 12, 2019

You play the game as a very nimble young woman capable of some pretty impressive wall-jumping acrobatics but also with a limited ability to glide and fly...

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2019

The King's Bird is a game in a truly magical environment. The soundtrack is delicious and the gameplay is great. But in the last the game stutters a lot. Sometimes the character doesn't act right and you will die instantly. This becomes a frustration.

Review in Dutch | Read full review

90 / 100
Aug 30, 2018

The King's Bird is another indie platform that you have to aim to play at some point. With a different and funny gameplay, a powerful graphic aspect and a spectacular soundtrack, it fulfills in all senses. Make it your own.

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5 / 10
Feb 20, 2019

The Kings Bird is perhaps one of those games suited to gamers who love speedruns, where twitch platforming comes second nature and has the patience to really stick with the game. I enjoyed the first few levels, but the shortcomings of the controls and the haphazard nature of if they work or not kind of distracted me from what is an interesting and challenging game to play. Perhaps I need to just get better and these types of games, but having played games for 27 odd years I like to think I have the skills necessary to at least get to grips with the most challenging of games. As it stands The Kings Bird is hard to recommend to the casual gamer, but speedrunners will probably get the most out of this if they can get to grips with the somewhat broken mechanics.

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3.4 / 5.0
Feb 28, 2019

The King`s Bird is a beautiful ID title though that will find a core of gamers that love it. Just be prepared for some patience and learning.

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6 / 10
Feb 12, 2019

WORTH CONSIDERING - The King’s Bird could have been something truly special, but middling controls, average level design, and infuriating difficulty will leave many giving up on it well before the ending. Some will no doubt cherish the challenge, but most would be better served looking elsewhere.

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3.5 / 5.0
Aug 31, 2018

The King’s Bird is a beautiful, daring platformer that lacks a strong narrative.

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