Oblitus Reviews

Oblitus is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2015

Death is never in vain in the beautiful world of Oblitus, even if it's occasionally cheap and unavoidable.

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8 / 10
Feb 26, 2015

Oblitus is a entertaining and challenging 2D roguelike inspired by Dark Souls, with only a few issues marring its success.

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3.5 / 5.0
Feb 26, 2015

Oblitus has all the right elements of something special, and although some aspects of it fall a little flat in execution, it still doesn't change that Oblitus is an unique and fine looking 2D action platformer that has all the right qualities in its gameplay and design. All the while sporting a haunting and unworldly ambiance that will certainly leave a lasting impression.

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8 / 10
Feb 27, 2015

If you don't mind the Sisyphean struggle, Oblitus is definitely a game worth checking out.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
3 / 10.0
Mar 3, 2015

Every time I just started to enjoy some aspects, others smacked me back down. I can see players being pulled in by its mysterious charm, but unless you're a glutton for punishment with little inspiration to move forward or rewards, I don't see folks getting much enjoyment out of this. It downright feels unfinished at times.

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5 / 5.0
Mar 1, 2015

Oblitus puts a whole lot of content into a small, tightly-made package. The overall aesthetic and backing music are great, and the constant threat of death taking all of your accomplishments away drives play very well.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2015

The beautiful yet treacherous world of Oblitus will certainly leave a lasting impression with players, but whether it is a positive or negative impression will undoubtedly vary from gamer to gamer.

8 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2015

A charming platformer to match those in the indie game hall of fame blow-for-blow, Oblitus is an experience that mixes pleasure with pain and can be in parts both utterly punishing and wonderfully rewarding.

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77 / 100
Mar 11, 2015

It's an old trick: as players, we grow experienced enough to master a toy to completion; this is the basis for videogames, and the basis for the nostalgia of early-era Nintendo. Incremental successes build slowly into one ultimate success. But Oblitus' ultimate success isn't the culmination of one playthrough; it's the culmination of several. Rarely does a game acknowledge the cycle of play, die, repeat, and finally, succeed. Oblitus instead not only acknowledges it but embraces it; draws a parallel between its protagonist and its player, their movements synchronized, following the same unknown task. Unearth the task; finish it. Parvus is set free. So is the player.

6.5 / 10.0
Mar 11, 2015

Oblitus could have been a great game, but unfortunately it's not. It's hard to get into, what with the lack of story and context for your actions and the fact that you have to start all over when you die.

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