World War Z: Game of the Year Edition Reviews

World War Z: Game of the Year Edition is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
May 14, 2020

World War Z: Game of the Year Edition is still a good game, but now comes packed with more content: a new three chapter story mission, new horde and challenge modes and a slew of cosmetic and weapon customisations to keep you busy for a while.

May 12, 2020

World War Z: GOTY Edition has everything it needs to be a compelling AA darling: multiple engaging game modes, a solid progression loop, a well polished core gimmick, and competent sound and weapon design. But, much like its standout zombie swarms, the myriad amount of bugs can prove too much to handle.

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Jun 12, 2020

World War Z still has issues, but improvements made by Saber Interactive have made the game even better.

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55 / 100
May 26, 2020

A year later and a new package does little to boost up World War Z’s failings. If it’s on sale or you really need to kill some zombies with some friends it’s a quick way to get all the content and it’ll be brief and inoffensive enough to waste a few hours. If you’re like me and searching eagerly for the next successor to the 2008 classic, you are better served elsewhere.

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65 / 100
Jun 15, 2020

World War Z GOTY edition doesn't provide a whole lot to players that the standard edition already has done in way of free post-release content. In essence, you're paying for character skins, and weapon skins and variants. While the variants help new players jump start their adventure, the upgrade for returning players isn't all that worthwhile. The Marseille episode, while fantastic, can also be purchased as a separate DLC. In reality, the GOTY edition doesn't have too many legs to stand on to suggest it's completely worth the money.

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8 / 10
May 23, 2020

World War Z: GOTY Edition is the best way to experience the technically impressive and enjoyable online cooperative shooter.

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6 / 10.0
May 26, 2020

World War Z GOTY Edition is a complete pack of a co-op based zombie-shooter that keeps you engaged for a long time if you don't mind repeating a cycle of events again and again. You will get the most out of the game when you play it with your friends. Otherwise, World War Z will be a frustrating experience that has nothing new to offer.

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7.2 / 10.0
May 19, 2020

If you were wondering whether World War Z: Game of the Year Edition is worth playing in 2020, you'll be pleased to know that it is. It's still very much the same experience that it was a year ago, except there's a lot more content. Matchmaking is a concern, but that may be alleviated by the introduction of cross-play across all platforms. Another issue is the general lack of variety in most areas, but if you get a good crew together, World War Z is plain, uncomplicated fun — and that's what matters.

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