Post Void

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

8.5 / 10
9 / 10
PlayStation Universe
9 / 10
Pure Nintendo
8 / 10
7 / 10
Digital Chumps
8 / 10
9 / 10
8.5 / 10
Creators: YCJY Games, YCJY Games
Release Date: Aug 6, 2020 - PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
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Critic Reviews for Post Void


Gabriel Moss
8.5 / 10.0

Post Void is heavy rock-and-roll, flying pixels, and laser-sharp shmup arcade mechanics distilled into a combination that equally terrifies and unsettles.

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Post Void is an absolute delight to play with some of the most satisfying FPS gameplay I've experienced in years. While it might only have eleven levels to play through, the outstanding gunplay will keep players engrossed in the hours, days and weeks to come and at £2.33, it's an unbelievable indie package.

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Any roguelike fan needs to get their hands on Post Void. Quite frankly, if you have any remote curiosity in trying out the game, just do it. Apart from floor jumping not as refined as the rest of the game, the complete package offers up something special, hectic, and engaging. Take it from someone who hates roguelikes: Post Void is a fun roguelike, complete with fever dream.

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POST VOID takes you on a nightmare-ish trip (wink) to a place where violence is the answer. This addicting and adrenaline-pumping game is a solid addition to Nintendo's FPS library. It is short yet offers plenty of replayability as void jumping takes a lot of determination, skill and speed. It is a nod at shooters reminiscent of titles from the '80s and scratches that itch for something to play in bursts or put in the time to speed through in one go without the need to gamble all of your spare quarters.

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Post Void packs fast pace FPS action, roguelike mechanics, and a weird 'in your face' art style into this tiny explosive package. If you don't like repeating instances then this small game might not be your style.

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Post Void is a barrage of garish visual information parading through the interface of a first-person shooter. As either an act of mercy or a concession to humanity, modest roguelite trappings force all of Post Void's noise and fury into manageable dosages.  This leaves Post Void as a wonderful party drug, provided you can sustain the party and handle the drugs.

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Short but funny frenetic game with retro graphics for a few bucks.

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Post Void is an excellent mashup between classic DOOM and Hotline Miami that can take minutes to beat, but hours to master.

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