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1572 games reviewed
75.4 average score
80 median score
60.3% of games recommended

Twinfinite's Reviews

Still, don't think that for its flaws, Garden Warfare is a game you should hesitate to purchase. For the price ($40 for the Xbox One version, $30 for others), it's a parcel of fun and wacky shooting that cannot be beat.

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1 / 5.0 - Basement Crawl
Mar 7, 2014

I did not enjoy anything about my time with Basement Crawl. It is a mess in every sense of the word

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Twinfinite Staff

Those coming into the game looking for more of the same Layton they’ve come to know and love certainly won’t be disappointed. The same gameplay is there, the same loveable characters are still loveable, and there’s plenty of puzzles to keep you scratching your scalp until the sun comes up. First time players would be best advised to start with one of the original DS games if they’re interested in getting into mysterious storylines, but for those looking for something to think about on the 3DS, you really can’t go wrong with Azran Legacy.

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Mar 5, 2014

So bottom line, I became a bit addicted to the digging and gathering aspects of the game, and that's fine because it's a quality title. I have issues with the music looping at almost weird intervals when the music goes dead for minutes before starting back up, but that's pretty much my only complaint. If you're like me and have some strange affinity for tunnel building, then 5/5 for this game. However, if you're just a person that wants to enjoy a quality video game with a pretty fun, if repetitive game mechanic, interesting story, quality production, then Super Motherload is a game that should easily be worth checking out. I just can't guarantee you'll get the same obsessive streak I found myself developing.

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The Walking Dead: A House Divided is definitely the most disappointing entry in this series to date, which is to say that it's quite good but unremarkable. The biggest problem with it is that it feels less like a full episode with its own arc and more like a placeholder to set things up for when the story really kicks in.

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Mar 4, 2014

South Park: The Stick of Truth is available today on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC; you can purchase the game HERE..

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4 / 5.0 - Infested Planet
Mar 4, 2014

Infested Planet does a lot of things well and should be on the radar of RTS players that enjoy playing with the strategy of the game more than duking it out against others.

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Twinfinite Staff
5 / 5.0 - Strider
Mar 1, 2014

Fighting enemies is so damn satisfying, between the speed at which Strider can swing his sword, constantly swapping cyphers, flipping and dashing through the air, and tossing out his animal-powered abilities. It's such a great remake of a game that I personally have no nostalgia for. Strider is the perfect example of how to take an old formula and perfect it with modern technology. It looks and sounds like a AAA title, but it plays like an old classic with fine-tuned controls. I have very few negative things to say about it, and I don't know why it's seemingly flying under the radar right now.

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5 / 5.0 - Rayman Legends
Feb 27, 2014

Rayman Legends is a phenomenal game, and one that I was pleasantly surprised by. Filled with bright, creative worlds, a fantastic soundtrack, and platforming without peer, Rayman Legends is a game that anyone, from child to adult, can and should play. And at its $40 price tag, it's a value that cannot be easily beaten.

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4 / 5.0 - Constant C
Feb 26, 2014

I liked Constant C. It's an immensely polished game that deserves your attention if only to enjoy a unique puzzle experience. Luckily, the humorous story is definitely worth the entry price and if that's not enough, the soundtrack was a constant highlight throughout the game. But what really makes Constant C special is just enjoyable the sci-fi characters are and how humorously alive the whole world feels. From your robot protagonist to the characters you meet along the way, this is sci-fi closer to Portal than 2001 and that's always my personal preference.

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Twinfinite Staff

So though it doesn't feel like it's had the same devotion as other stand-alone spin-offs, such as the sequels to Assassin's Creed II, Freedom Cry is certainly worth playing for an alternative perspective to Kenway's booty-grabbing adventures. Just be wary that it may leave you wishing for more.

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Twinfinite Staff
3 / 5.0 - Gigantic Army
Feb 20, 2014

It's too bad that the game feels a tad awkward to operate too, as there are some pretty cool weapons in the game ranging from curtains of wayward missiles to a blinding laser blast. When you do get the hang of it, it can feel quite powerful to be piloting such a piece of machinery, but with that comes the tradeoff of suddenly feeling useless against a wave of half a dozen enemies and their own curtains of bullets. So ultimately, if you're looking for another game to bring you one step closer to that futurist dream of one day piloting a Gundam or Metal Gear, then Gigantic Army will help fulfill that urge as well as scratch a retro itch. For other players, the game itself just feels a little too hard to penetrate to get to love what's actually at its corel; very much like, well, a tank.

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Twinfinite Staff
Feb 6, 2014

So grab some friends, throw Octodad: Dadliest Catch up on the big screen, and prepare to laugh and stumble your way through the life of one of the world's best dads.

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Smoke and Mirrors simultaneously excelled while falling slightly short. Despite my gripes, I genuinely enjoyed the entire experience, but this episode did not hit the expectations set up by the first episode of The Wolf Among Us. That being said, this it is still a positive addition to what is turning out to be an absolutely fantastic series.

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4 / 5.0 - NES Remix
Jan 31, 2014

At a pricetag of $15, it's easy to see how it can seem a bit steep for the overall concept, but the hundreds of levels makes the price that much more justifiable. Even if you don't have huge marathon sessions, you can expect to be playing it constantly and frequently, even if just for little while.

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4 / 5.0 - The Banner Saga
Jan 24, 2014

The Banner Saga has flaws, but that does not stop it from being a worthwhile epic that gets so much right that its issues with railroading and combat variety are minor obstacles in the path of this dark, compelling giant of an RPG.

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4 / 5.0 - Nidhogg
Jan 21, 2014

From the wonderful  8-bit graphics (they move so LIFELIKE THOUGH), to the music by Daedelus, there are many maps, tournament styled gameplay, and special settings to really make the game your own in this quirky little indie gem from Messhof.

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3 / 5.0 - Teslagrad
Jan 20, 2014

Teslagrad is a suitable platforming outing, but I'm much more excited for what the developers have next in store with this experience under their belt.

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Jan 16, 2014

Overall, I feel like Max: The Curse of Brotherhood is the fresh, simple platformer that the industry has missed since the days of the genre's prominence. While it's too small to ever win a Game of the Year award, the game is more than worth your time, especially when only for $15.

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Twinfinite Staff
Jan 15, 2014

If you originally donated to the Kickstarter to fund it, feel safe in knowing that your money went towards making a beautiful game that is truly a product of love.

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