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839 games reviewed
74.9 average score
78 median score
48.6% of games recommended

GBAtemp's Reviews

9 / 10.0 - Hunt: Showdown
Feb 18, 2020

I love what this game strives for, and I love how it plays out. Crytek excels in immersion and they have done an incredible job with Hunt: Showdown. Highly recommended if you have friends to partner up with, as server issues seem to plague it in its early days.

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3 / 10.0 - Arc of Alchemist
Feb 18, 2020

Avoid this game. I cannot put it more simply than that.

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Feb 12, 2020

This is the DBZ RPG that we have been waiting for since the Legacy of Goku series on the Gameboy Advance. The game gets repetitive after a while and the battles can be too easy and mindless, but there's a lot of heart and attention to detail in this title.

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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics is a serviceable strategy RPG, but doesn't make use of its license or innovate in its genre enough to make much of an impression.

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Feb 3, 2020

A very strong outing for the Zombie Army series, with an incredible eye for detail, variety in every aspect and a fresh lick of paint. This is an essential pick-up for anyone who has enjoyed any of the previous games or the Sniper Elite series.

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All in all, Sisters Royale is a fine addition to the shoot 'em up library for the Switch. Though short-lived, it features a delightfully fun cast of characters and a story so bizarre you can't help but be amused.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Bookbound Brigade
Jan 29, 2020

A solid game but arguably so. The story is not particularly great. Platforming sections range from great to artificially difficult and obnoxious. I would like to give the score a little higher but given that I ran into session ending bugs that forced me to reset the game a few times I believe I have to be cautious and dock its score a bit as I do not know how widespread the issues may be for those willing to buy the game and try it out.

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Jan 21, 2020

Tokyo Mirage Sessions never really captures the best of either of its inspirations, always feeling like a crossover that mixes the elements of both Persona and Fire Emblem, but never blends them fully. However, that doesn't take away that this is a fun and fulfilling JRPG, even if it's not what we expected, and most definitely deserved a second lease on life on the Nintendo Switch.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Gunlord X
Jan 8, 2020

Gunlord X is probably the greatest spiritual successor to the Run 'N Gun games of yore like Contra and Turrican. The adventure is rather short, but the style is beautiful, the bosses and levels are varied, and there are many secrets to unlock. Do yourself a favor and spend the $10 to have a high intensity nostalgic afternoon.

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Jan 1, 2020

Overall, Deliver Us The Moon is a game that could benefit greatly from another two to three hours of content. As it stands, I would only recommend the game if you don't mind short walking simulators with basic gameplay, or if you could get it during a Steam sale for cheaper than the $25 price tag.

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Dec 30, 2019

Detroit: Become Human is a game that's better experienced first-hand than read about and I highly recommend anyone who can play it to do so, especially now that it has been made available to PC gamers.

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Dec 30, 2019

Patch after patch, this game improves and matures into something special. It's the best of its kind in an undersaturated genre and it's entirely worth your time to investigate. Although it isn't a true "Triple-A" outing of a game; it certainly paves the way for greatness in future instalments or clones thanks to innovative stealthy gameplay and fun modes and exploration.

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Dec 27, 2019

The game features a good story driven experience and the puzzles for the most part are solid. Unfortunately the game will be released in episodes and that makes the experience fairly short. The game playing to its strengths consistently makes the shortcomings forgivable.

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With its strong message and touching plot, Life Is Strange 2 is a game that I would highly recommend for gamers and non-gamers alike.

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8.5 / 10.0 - TAMASHII
Dec 17, 2019

Tamashii can be completed in one short sitting, but between its nightmarish art, dark themes and clever puzzle-platformer gameplay, it'll stick with you for a long time.

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Dec 9, 2019

Darksiders Genesis delivers a nice installment to the Darksiders series by sporting a different look while playing it safe.

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Dec 8, 2019

Definitely worth playing, especially with the relatively cheap £30-£35 pricetag. It's so well presented before you step foot into the first level that I expected more from the in-game content. It goes to show that you can't judge a book by the cover, though it does a lot right, it doesn't truly push any boundaries or stand out from the crowd enough to make it an essential purchase.

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6.5 / 10.0 - SIMULACRA
Dec 3, 2019

Simulacra has some interesting ideas, but gets in its own way enough that it wastes the advantage afforded to it by its strong premise.

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7.7 / 10.0 - Heroland
Dec 3, 2019

Heroland is a very enjoyable experience for PS4, Switch, and PC owners. The graphics are cute and unique, the combat is enjoyable and surprisingly engrossing, and the game's overall charm is praiseworthy. Despite some canned in dialogue and my desire for "some" more serious parts, I really enjoyed this game and I think any fan of the genre will as well.

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Nov 30, 2019

Monster Jam Steel Titans is destined for the sale bin. It's too devoid of enjoyment to be worth picking up on eShop, and definitely not worth the strangely staggered physical release that's touted for February. If you're a major petrolhead you may get a portable kick out of it, if not, it's best just to steer clear.

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