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804 games reviewed
71.6 average score
70 median score
51.7% of games recommended

TrueAchievements's Reviews

State of Decay proved to be a massive hit when it released on Xbox LIVE Arcade and may very well follow up that success on the Xbox One. The mixture of resource gathering and base building provides for a deep zombie survival experience and the micromanagement is made easy by a streamlined menu system. With the inclusion of the two DLCs there is a lot here to keep players busy for awhile.

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Apr 21, 2015

Not since Deadly Premonition has a game achieved cult status like Goat Simulator has. Following a similar so-bad-it's-good formula, it's as absurd as the title implies and charmingly embraces all of its flaws. For that reason, you can't take it too seriously. It's a messy but momentarily enjoyable experience that gratuitously delivers more gamerscore, but as soon as you're done with seeing what it has to offer -- Easter eggs, achievements, and a few good laughs -- there's no reason to return. Pack your bags and head out of Goatville with nothing but a hat collection and weird memories in tow.

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Apr 17, 2015

It needs to be said; WE ARE DOOMED is a perfectly playable game. It works well, completionist achievement gripes aside, and gives fans of twin-stick shooters another option for their library, but aside from that is completely disposable. It presents no new ideas, no new takes on the formula, and simply iterates where others have sought to innovate. Unless you're one of the most ravenous twin-stick fans on the planet, this is easily worth a pass.

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- Ride
Apr 17, 2015

It's clear to see that Milestone has set out with the best intentions in a genre that they clearly love. However, RIDE is adequate in most areas but doesn't have the same amount of polish and set of features that are found in other leading racing games. With a lack of online leaderboards to provide any challenge among friends, once you hit the number one spot in the World Tour, only the hardcore racing fans will find any reason to return to the game. The game features a large choice of stunningly recreated motorcycles to purchase and upgrade and there's enough here to keep hardcore racing fans and motorcycle enthusiasts attention for a while; ultimately, though, if you aren't a fan of the genre then RIDE will do very little to persuade you otherwise.

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Apr 15, 2015

Mortal Kombat X excels in the field of gory action, gruesome sound effects, gameplay mechanics, the Tower mode and building up the alternate timeline's universe. Fans of the series and players just picking up the game can enjoy dismembering one another. However, it also has its downsides which include lengthy expositions on characters' histories during cutscenes, unnecessary QTEs, redundant online match types, lagging online matches, and a short storyline which all coalesce into making the tenth installment miss out on becoming an exceptional title for the new generation of gaming.

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Apr 10, 2015

Tower of Guns comes across as a real labor of love from Joe Mirabello, who even went so far as to add a thank you to his special someone, Colleen, in the game. For me, it followed a pretty well defined bell curve - at the start of the game, I was pretty sure I didn't like it and wouldn't like it. Then, as I opened up more guns and began to actually understand the type of game I was playing - a roguelike FPS - I really began to enjoy it. Finally, as I eventually fully completed a run of the tower and got into my twentieth run or so, my interest began to wane. The Endless and Diceroll modes, as well as playing around with perks, will lengthen the game experience some, but by that point, you will have seen most of what it has to offer. The game looks good, plays completely fine, and is a solid package for what it is. More variety in terms of, well, everything, would have made it even more appealing. If you go into the game thinking of the typical roguelike, where you're bound to sink tons of hours into it in the hopes of getting that amazing loot drop, Tower of Guns will fall flat. If you want a well tuned, mindless FPS with roguelike elements, however, this game is a good one and is a lot of fun in short bursts.

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Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones is a funny little puzzle game, which seems to have a good balance of stealth and puzzle element, whilst at the same time managing to never get too repetitive. The levels are well-thought-out and the simplistic story has you rooting for the clones all the way through. A price tag of £11.99 (or your regional equivalent) seems appropriate, with the potential for well over ten hours of puzzling on offer here for completionists. Sometimes it may seem a little too easy to misplace a jump or kill one of your fellow clones, but this all adds to the fulfillment when you finally succeed. So take a chance on a game of clones, and you'll be addicted beginning to end, until you manage to save every last one of the little guys.

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Oddworld New 'n' Tasty tells a story of a world that contains a great amount of injustice, from the persecution of defenceless creatures to the tyranny of people who hold far too much power. It's a story that is just as relevant now as it was sixteen years ago. However, the title is also an ode to gaming from a forgotten era, when campaigns took a while to complete and violence wasn't the main objective. With a lick of HD paint and tweaks to gameplay to accommodate modern gamers, this title has found its place amidst the new generation of consoles and there is absolutely no reason why this type of game couldn't reclaim its crown. Long live Oddworld.

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Mar 30, 2015

Ziggurat, like some of the loot drops in the title itself, is a surprising little gem of a game, representing the best of what ID@Xbox titles can offer: simple, stylish, polished, and great fun, and never takes itself too seriously. Dungeons and enemies are, ironically, bright and colorfully brought to life. This is a game that focuses on replayability with unpredictability at every turn and challenges the player to make the most of the hand that they have been dealt. Admittedly, this is not a title that will appeal to everyone, but there is enough here for most to enjoy. The combination of FPS and dungeon looting is interesting, and the randomness makes it all the more intriguing. This is one of those titles that you could easily and quite happily continually dipping in and out of for quite a while to come.

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Mar 27, 2015

Battlefield Hardline is easily the most complete game in the franchise since Battlefield: Bad Company 2's release five years ago. The story makes you actually care about the characters and introduces some much-needed new gameplay with the addition of stealth and non-violent takedowns. It's not the strongest story you'll see, but the positives far outweigh any negatives that the stupid AI and cliched story provides.The multiplayer is genuinely refreshing, and whilst veterans of the franchise may notice the missing game modes and vehicular combat that they are used to, the majority of gamers will find the fast-paced and amusing action to be fun-filled.Visceral's first attempt at taking control of the Battlefield series can only be seen as a success, and whilst it maintains the unique feel of the series, they've added a fresh and new twist to every aspect. Just as Forza Horizon's differences perfectly compliment Forza Motorsport, EA may have finally found a winning combination to compete with Call of Duty.

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If "Episode 2" felt like "a letdown" that was setting up the next episode, "Episode 3" feels like a rush of despair and anger (in a good way) that makes the desire for retribution and justice all the more burning. Fans of the franchise know that such satisfaction is rare (and possibly non-existent), but it doesn't make the yearning for it any less fun.

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Mar 25, 2015

Slender: The Arrival is neither a bad or exceedingly good title. If you've played the last-gen version, you'll be getting the same thing here. If you're a newcomer, you'll be getting a fun but quick-to-finish game. The graphics haven't improved all that much and even the same glitch remains, but nonetheless it is still a title that provides entertainment. The soundtrack can be top-notch in places and the run of adrenaline can spur you on to keep playing when you see Slender Man for the first time. At its reasonably cheap price of £7.99/$9.99, the game isn't on the highly recommended list. Slender may be starting to lose his frightening charm, but he still manages to keep us on our toes, even if it is just for a short while.

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Mar 22, 2015

Let's get down to brass tacks, if you like Kinect games, you'll probably enjoy Fruit Ninja Kinect 2. It's simple, somewhat addictive, and contains some easy gamerscore that is sure to hold a decent ratio. On the opposite side, if you treat your Kinect like some sort of wizard boy to be kept under the stairs, there's nothing here to convince you otherwise. The addition of Festival Modes injects a little bit of variety to the gameplay, but are largely unremarkable. With a price point of $14.99 (or your regional equivalent) the game is a nice spot of family-friendly fun and a solid (if unspectacular) Kinect game.

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For a game that started its life on the PSP, it plays very well of the Xbox One. Whilst it may not be perfect and the graphics might not be as nice as some Xbox One games, there's plenty here to keep you entertained and busy for a lot of hours. With the potential of a second playthrough to get all the achievements, there's also a high replayability value. With a wide choice of characters and variation of weapons, there's bound to be a play style to suit everyone. This is not only a game for veterans of Final Fantasy to have a go at, but for gamers new to the franchise to sink their teeth into.

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Ori and the Blind Forest is arguably the best game of 2015 so far. Visually it is gorgeous and has a beautiful soundtrack to complement it. The lack of load times helps the flow of the game, and the platforming gameplay is fluent and precise all the way through. Difficulty spikes bring a challenging edge, and the escape sections are some of the most hectic portions of any platformer game. Ultimately, I cannot recommend this game enough, it is a must play.

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If you enjoyed The Evil Within, "The Assignment" offers plenty of bang for your buck and definitely leaves you anticipating what more is to come in the second expansion, which will also focus on Kidman, "The Consequence".

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Unscored - LA Cops
Mar 14, 2015

LA Cops has the feel of a casual game that you can blast through quickly and give your achievement score a quick boost. In some ways, it is a little frustrating as you feel that with a little more fine tuning and the inclusion of multiplayer it could have been a great, fun, little game, but as it is, it falls a little short of that.

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Mar 11, 2015

If you are a fan of puzzle games, then Shiftlings is definitely worthy of a purchase. At £13.99, you are getting over 50 levels to explore, and that will be more than worth your money if you aim to complete the game and all of its achievements. What Shiftlings brings to the Xbox One is a puzzler that is both fun and funny all the way through, with levels that can accommodate both casual and hardcore puzzle gamers. So take a chance on a couple of aliens, I doubt you'll be disappointed.

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Mar 11, 2015

The survival horror genre has struggled to find a place in recent years, but titles such as The Evil Within have attempted to breathe new life into it. With White Night, OSome Studio has managed to invigorate the genre by taking us back to the methodical and tense gameplay that kept us on edge so many times in the past. When playing the game for subsequent playthroughs, you will undeniably blaze through it, but hasn't that always been the case with survival horror games? The art style is beautifully unique, the gameplay is simple yet highly enjoyable and the soundtrack is superb. The reason you'll want to stay inside this mansion, though, is because of the history behind it. A compelling story is waiting to be unearthed and the more you learn, the deeper you'll want to go. The ID@Xbox lineup continues to get stronger and its latest addition is unquestionably worth checking out.

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Mar 10, 2015

It's hard to knock a game that delivers on what it set out to do, and that's exactly what Zombie Army Trilogy does very well. It won't appeal to everyone's tastes, but for those of you that enjoy the frantic co-op action that games of this nature provide, you'll find that Zombie Army Trilogy is a competent shooter, that will keep you entertained for hours of zombie killing fun.

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