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Saving Content

678 games reviewed
77.8 average score
80 median score
82.2% of games recommended

Saving Content's Reviews

Mar 3, 2023

Maybe things will be fixed by the start of season 1 in May, maybe they won’t and we are either stuck with” “Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition” until “Blood Bowl 3: Legendary Edition” comes out or its publisher Nacon decides to cut its losses short and in another 10 years or so we maybe get a shot of another “Blood Bowl”. No matter the outcome, the damage is done and the community will always remember Blood Bowl 3 as an awful and mismanaged launch. I truly hope it bounces back from this, but I’m not holding my breath.

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Jul 16, 2024

While there’s a competent racing game here, it’s perfunctory. This is going to be solid on Switch or even the Steam Deck, but on desktop PC this is really disappointing. It’s a game I found mostly frustrating because of its AI, which needs some serious work, and can be patched. A workaround is to qualify in first place, but then it feels too easy and not the right amount of challenge. For the asking price, Hot Lap Racing is missing a wheel or two and is not a game that can’t be recommended in its current state.

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Jul 9, 2024

I want to believe that Blackbird Interactive will turn this (mother)ship around; that they’ll add more maps, new factions and mechanics like stated in their 2024-2025 roadmap. But I can’t, I’m sorry.

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There is, undoubtedly, a good game buried in here somewhere. There are certainly moments where you can tell care was taken. The models for each character are quite good. The voices give the models life. The stages help you feel at home in the world. The couch co-op experience leads to lots of fun moments. But, the games has too many other flaws for it to earn my recommendation. It’s got too many rough edges in areas that a fighting game of its nature should have spent far more time polishing. I really, really, wanted it to be good. I’m sure they’ll figure it out by Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 3.

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Call of Duty HQ needlessly complexes the game loading process, as switching between games and modes requires relaunching a different executable. The campaign is hurried along in an unenjoyable way with open mission design that takes away from what makes the series great. Zombies mode is completely forgettable and a rehash of DMZ, which is not included or playable in Modern Warfare III . Multiplayer does the heavy lifting, and really only stays strong through nostalgia of the original Modern Warfare 2. While the maps hold a timeless appeal, it doesn’t feel fresh or new as an experience. This is a game that barely stands on its own. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III is unlike other games, it’s not broken, just bad and lacking any redeeming values.

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Jun 19, 2023

Trepang2 is not as good as it wants to be, or as anyone would be led to believe. Trepang Studios certainly tried emulating Monolith's epic first-person shooter, and the gunplay certainly comes close to that, but they failed miserably at nearly everything else. This is a terrifically gory game, and it's great coating rooms in strawberry jam each and every time, but there's a lot of bad to get through before seeing the good. Trepang2 has only a few redeeming qualities, but even then those have been done better in other games. It's sad that Trepang2 is a pale imitation of F.E.A.R. in every way, and is a completely forgettable experience I can't recommend even a little.

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May 19, 2023

Despite its struggles, I did love God of Rock’s charm. Its roster is a colorful mix of characters like the comic artist Edith or the carefree spirit Lyn, both of which were the two I completed the game with. I enjoyed some of the unique interactions during the arcade intros and the banter between characters before the matches began. The game’s stage designs were pretty to look at, too, at least during the start and end of rounds. I don’t think God of Rock will hold anyone’s attention, which is sad because I feel like something is here. It’s just that the implementation was not executed well. I struggled to want to play when I’m normally itching to repeat songs in a standard rhythm game. It’s clear Modus Games put a lot of love into God of Rock, so it hurts me that I did not enjoy my time with this game. I hope some changes can come down the pipeline to fix some of these issues, specifically the UI button icons.

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May 5, 2023

Redfall is a far cry from Arkane’s usual work, and it’s sad to see this is the final product from this team. The writing is the best part, but nothing about it can save this from being a mediocre game that can’t manage to do more than one thing at a time, whether it be an immersive sim, an open-world game, or even an RPG. Try as I might, I can’t find enjoyment in this, or even continue to play a game that looks and feels this incomplete for its $70 price tag. Redfall is playable, but in the most threadbare way, as it’s a shell of a game that will exhaust you long before the credits roll. And like vampires are wont to do, Redfall sucks.

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Feb 27, 2023

Mundfish threw everything but the kitchen sink at this one, and I wish most of it worked for it. Atomic Heart is good when you’re using the various guns which have been upgraded to your liking, and you get the time to explore these gorgeous and detailed environments with strong artistic direction. What’s not so good is that the protagonist is completely unlikable, the writing is cringey, and the combat encounters are either completely exhausting or totally worthless to engage in. A first-person shooter where it’s better to not fight seems to be missing the point. Atomic Heart is certainly an ambitious, gorgeous, but ultimately disappointing and flat first-person shooter that I cannot recommend.

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Oct 4, 2022

GOOD BOYS possess the technology and talent to make a well made game, but clearly lack the experience in making it wholly enjoyable. TRAIL OUT asks the player to endure a lot of problems for the pockets of fun you could potentially have. Now, if you can overlook its many rough edges and tedium, it’s essentially the next FlatOut when had in small doses – but Wreckfest this is not. In the end, TRAIL OUT is unfortunately more trouble than it’s worth, and doesn’t come recommended.

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If you’re anything like me and play video games to relax and get absorbed into a different world for even a few minutes, I’m afraid Call of the Wild: The Angler is likely not the game for you. If you enjoy games that have wildlife and fishing and look really good to, Red Dead Redemption 2 (online or off) holds up very well. As does Final Fantasy XV and Sea of Thieves! In a year or so when Call of the Wild: The Angler has received more updates with content and bug fixes I can see it being a great game. The game is technically playable, but I would hesitate to call it an enjoyable experience.

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Jun 30, 2022

I adored this series on PlayStation 2 and even in the Xbox 360 era, but it seems it regresses more than progresses. I didn’t think this game would be as bad as its predecessor, but it is so bland and uninspired. There are a few redeeming aspects like the controls, the new Trails mode, and the better time of driving ATVs and UTVs. I just can’t recommend this at full price, or even half-price; it’s a game that still needs a lot of work. There’s certainly nothing legendary about MX vs ATV Legends.

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Nov 18, 2021

It’s hard to recommend NASCAR 21: Ignition in its current form. A $60 price tag doesn’t feel justified for the lack of features in this package. There is hope, though, as the racing is still quite good, the graphics look stunning, and the overall fun of being on track is there. But as with every NASCAR release over the years, that can only take you so far. If there was ever a year to skip a NASCAR title, it’s this one. I do look forward to NASCAR 22 in the hope that Motorsport Games nails it. After seeing and feeling what they provided for racing this year, it’s obvious they have talent over there; it just needs to be a more complete package.

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Sep 7, 2021

Comanche fails to live up to the pedigree of its predecessors in just about every way. Not a barn burner of a release by any stretch. Though it manages to try new and exciting things with a modicum of success, it’s not enough. Half the game is inaccessible due to the multiplayer being dead on arrival, and you’re likely never to see it unless you coordinate. It has a short and unsatisfying campaign, but it does have a solid challenge mode that’ll really test you. This is a budget priced game, and there’s fun to be had, but you’d be better off spending your time elsewhere than with Comanche.

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Jun 10, 2021

I hesitate to call Open Country a bad game, but it has many limitations baked into its core, and it shows. From the lack of graphics options, abundance of typos, terrible voice acting, and questionable mission objectives; it falls short of so many other games that simply do it better. Even for a $15 game, it’s not competitive in the survival genre. Open Country has some great ideas that end up being overly ambitious and woefully underdeveloped.

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This one’s is on the cusp of being something cool, but its origins on mobile doesn’t make for a good port to PC. It’s not a bad game, just one that’s lacking in just about every regard. However, when the friction is at its least, then there’s mindless fun to be had. Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron – Flyboyz Edition is fun in ways Warhammer 40K games usually aren’t thanks to the aerial combat, but it needed to be so much better than this.

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Mar 1, 2021

Taxi Chaos has aspirations to be something far grander than it ever achieves. It lacks a personality of its own, a reason to keep coming back to its flat city, and really anything memorable. This is simply a pale imitation of Crazy Taxi, and just doesn’t do anything new or inventive for the genre in the 20 years since that game debuted. Taxi Chaos isn’t a spiritual successor, it’s a mundane offspring.

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Jan 29, 2021

There’s fun to be had, but you have to dig really deep to find it. When the game is working, blasting through these levels in just a couple of minutes is the perfect time to be in a level, without it feeling like a waste of time. It’s a shame then that it’s good moments are overshadowed by so many of its flaws. Redout: Space Assault had the potential to be as exciting as refreshing as 34BigThings did with the original Redout, but instead has shallow gameplay, lackluster visuals, and is riddled with bugs from small to big that showcase that it wasn’t ready for the transition to more powerful systems.

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Nov 11, 2020

In all honesty, XIII from 2003 wasn’t that great of a game to begin with. PlayMagic clearly wanted to modernize and improve what that game did, while keeping the integrity of the game in-tact. But for some reason or another, just couldn’t come through on that. The game’s best feature is its cel-shaded graphical fidelity, being a remake that looks better than it plays. If you manage to pick this up, though I’d recommend you wait for patches and updates, you’ll either appreciate what’s been done or be convinced to pick up XIII – Classic instead.

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Aug 7, 2020

Hellbound isn’t a bad game. It can still be enjoyed, so long as you get it on a steep sale and you’ve got a spare afternoon for some mindless killing. This is a first-person shooter that emulates the past, but fails to recapture the magic of it. When you just turn your brain off, the game is at its best, but it just doesn’t last long. With a woefully short campaign mode, and a repetitive wave-based survival mode, Hellbound is surprisingly… deficient.

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