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Bit Cultures

186 games reviewed
79.1 average score
81 median score
74.2% of games recommended

Bit Cultures's Reviews

Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher
Oct 30, 2015

The Evil Within is an enjoyable horror experience that ultimately suffers from lack of confidence. While it boasts many original moments of psychological suspense other sequences like the early village raid feel ripped straight from Resident Evil 4.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher
Oct 30, 2015

Brace yourself for what's coming, Ubisoft naysayers: Assassin's Creed Syndicate is a good game. While it still suffers from frustrating movement mechanics, as well as an underdeveloped narrative, the core experience being offered is downright fun.

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Bit Cultures
Roderick Sang
Oct 29, 2015

It's with great pleasure that I say that Age of Decadence is a game I love. I couldn't have been happier to have been given the opportunity to review it. It's a fun, engaging game with a seemingly endless amount of depth, leaving me truly surprised that a team of only six people were able to create it. You can tell that they spent a long time trying to make this game as great and hardcore as it is now. I can't wait to see what they decide to do next.

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Oct 28, 2015

By the end of Shay and Vella's stories, I may have had a tear slide down my cheek. It was not a tear of sadness, but of joy.

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Oct 27, 2015

Transformers Devastation is a great game if you like loot, tweaking stats, high velocity chase sequences, and brawling battles. The game is chock full of features and extras that show the source material was revered by the developers. Games like this deserve the extra time you will sink into it to complete the trophies/achievements. Building up your Autobot your way is empowering and a great compliment to what The Transformers are all about.

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Bit Cultures
Rafael Serrato
Oct 21, 2015

The Blood Bowl franchise is an overlooked, yet interesting series. The fact that it warranted a sequel is great for fans and even better for newer players looking to join the blood-sport's pandemonium. The game may look daunting for these new comers as strategy, micromanaging and finding the perfect league won't come without practice.

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90% - Expand
Oct 20, 2015

I think you'll know whether this is a game you'd be inclined to play. All I can give you is my heartiest recommendation. Expand is quite obviously designed with great care and attention to detail from the maze design, to the soundtrack, and to the pacing that had me on tenterhooks. I loved every minute of it.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher

The Nathan Drake Collection is a successful gathering of the Uncharted franchise. It brings together three of Sony's most enjoyable games into one seamless experience.

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Bit Cultures
Rafael Serrato
Oct 14, 2015

FarmerGnome's A Fistful of Gun is an arcade, shooter-adventure players can play, leave for a bit and then come back to later and enjoy the game as much as he or she did the very first time.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher
68% - SOMA
Oct 13, 2015

SOMA's campaign will cost the player roughly eight hours to complete. Because it is so narrative-centric, subsequent playthroughs are unlikely to occur. The game's major draw-in is the thirst for answers to Simon's plight beneath the depths. While the story provoked some great philosophical discourse, the game ultimately leaves the player wanting for what could have been.

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84% - Grow Home
Oct 12, 2015

The spirit of Grow Home lies in its unforced exploration, leisurely collecting of items, and experiencing those "oh $H#@" moments as B.U.D. loses his grip or you miss your jump at 2000 meters in the air. There is added value to the game as you unlock skins with abilities and other items. After the end credits, you also have the choice of accepting an extra mission. All of these features add to Grow Home's appeal as a special game where it pays to be curious and daring, and you are properly rewarded if you are thorough.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher

Persona 4: Dancing All Night is an engrossing experience. That being said, it is one that is short-lived. While the interesting narrative serves as a pleasant surprise, there is little intrigue to be found once each track is bested. There are DLC characters and songs in the works, but as the game is already priced just short of a primary console title, paying more for a fuller experience is not enticing.

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Oct 8, 2015

Legend of Kay Anniversary is a game you want to pay close attention to if you want to acquire the bonuses throughout the levels. It will most likely be your second or third play through before you start finishing the extra quests. This is because you will likely trigger the end of a chapter before finishing them. Is the game worth a second go-around, or even a first play? If you like cartoony platforming games that remind you of the PS1 and N64 era, then this could be your jam.

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Bit Cultures
Sierra Grafton
85% - Euclidean
Oct 7, 2015

Euclidean was quite an enjoyable existential crisis. It achieved exactly what it intended to, which was to be a unique horror game that left an impression with players. It certainly was unique in every aspect, and left an impression of hopelessness that lasted for days. It manages to haunt players by having them question themselves and their existence rather than giving them nightmares about aliens and crazed serial killers.

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From the prologue and tutorial levels of The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, you will see that this game was lovingly put together. You will also find that the mechanics of this game, while considered to be outdated, were carefully and creatively considered. This was a successfully crowd-funded Kickstarter game, and it shows. The team behind this game was right to courageously risk adventuring outside their personal castles to rescue the point-and-click game genre.

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Happy Home Designer is a fun way to pass the time. Certainly not a revolutionary game, and certainly not a perfect game, but it's an interesting take on the Animal Crossing series – having zoomed in so closely on just one aspect of the series is a breath of fresh air.

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Bit Cultures
Roderick Sang
90% - Armello
Sep 30, 2015

Over all, though, I say Armello is the perfect game to play at the end of the day with a group of friends. Each playthrough won't take more than three hours at most, and it provides lots of fun and replay value for any who are interested in finding something to play while talking with a group of your best buds. It's definitely worth a pick up, just make sure you're buying the fourpack and getting other people involved. I can see this game getting pretty lonely and meaningless without anyone there to play it with you.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher
80% - NHL 16
Sep 29, 2015

NHL 16 is leaps and bounds improved from last year's title. While all of the returning game modes are warmly welcomed, it can come off as a cheap marketing ploy to take them away in the first place, only to reinstate them as a selling point. The feel of the game replicates a more authentic simulation in both look and gameplay.

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Bit Cultures
Rafael Serrato
80% - Stasis
Sep 28, 2015

There aren't too many complaints with Stasis. It's a short game with some pace issues and it may only see play once. However, the game is filled with so much ambiance it's worth playing through it. The grimy narrative, alongside the excellent visuals and sound design, will have players writhe forward through the mysteries of the Groomlake to discover John's fate aboard the dead ship.

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Sep 25, 2015

Playing I am Bread can be both sweet and sourdough, but you definitely will feel the game was made waffle love. There is a lot of attention to detail pancaked into each level. Although the game may leave you in a pretzel during some stages as you get stuck between a crumpet and hard place, there is always a different mode to panini the game in to bruschetta your skills.

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