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Bit Cultures

186 games reviewed
79.1 average score
81 median score
74.2% of games recommended

Bit Cultures's Reviews

Apr 1, 2016

Sébastien Loeb Rally EVO doesn't do anything that really blows me away. It's a decent racing game for sure, but at the same time, it's incredibly average. At the end of the day, this game didn't give me anything that racing games I've played before haven't. If you're really into rally racing, this game is more than likely worth a buy, but if you're a novice like I, I'd recommend trying it and seeing how you feel about it.

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Mar 31, 2016

When considering Monumental in retrospect, I am glad I had a chance to experience the nostalgic atmosphere and intense puzzles. As a fan of critical thinking and problem solving, especially in the way of gaming, few modern products offer the same depth to puzzles as Monumental. It's certainly unforgiving, but with enough thought and perhaps the use of the hint button, Monumental is a solid, inexpensive game worthy of your time, money, and brain overload.

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Twilight Princess offers a slight deviation from the cliché save the princess story, and the incorporation of wolf Link contributes a new avenue to explore. As far as RPG length, Twilight Princess is about average, clocking in at approximately 40+ hours for full completion (and adding a little extra should you utilize the Midna and wolf Link amiibo).

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Bit Cultures
Rafael Serrato
Mar 29, 2016

Stardew Valley definitely gives a lot for Harvest Moon fans but also for newcomers to the genre. Whether it's farming, mining, fishing, or even just talking to your neighbors, Pelican Town is a fantastic video game world to spend tons of hours crafting your own adventure.

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Mar 28, 2016

If I could remove the poorly executed boss battles from the story mode, Devil's Third could have been a passable, albeit paltry, game. And while the multiplayer doesn't offer anything new and isn't overly populated, it can be fun for additional hours of gameplay. Your best bet is to wait for the game to fall in price before picking it up.

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Mar 24, 2016

This really is a true fighting game; don't let the Pokémon veneer tell you otherwise. This is a game which takes patience and concentration to learn to play effectively, and it successfully manages to blend together elements from other fighters such as Street Fighter, Marvel, and Tekken, and combine them with new ideas to create something truly unique.

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Switching games can be like starting new relationships. Maybe it ended badly, and you want to move on to something fun to help you keep your mind busy and moving forward. Perhaps the interest disappeared and you want to find something different from everything else that is out there. Maybe you are looking for something similar to what you already had, but without the lying to yourself that something isn’t inherently wrong. Perhaps you are keeping your options open until the right one comes along. There is no secret about it, Lords of the Fallen has been around the block this past year. But if you can keep an open mind and accept it for what it really is, you just might be able to enjoy your time with it. While it isn’t the shiniest game out there, you might actually be moved to see the love this game has for the genre.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher

Whereas the series suffers from similar narrative choices that the show does, it presents strong and interesting characters with Gared, Rodrik, and Asher in particular. The journey to the mysterious North Grove provided an interesting plot thread similar to the White Walker intrigue, but it is frustrating to get no answers at all for our efforts. It's even more frustrating to see characters like Mira be overlooked as the choices I made and alliances I formed seemed to be irrelevant. Players would like to see some answers to old questions, before being faced with new ones. However, we're stuck waiting for a second season, or a third, or so on if it goes in the style of its inspiration.

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Bit Cultures
Zach Nonnemacher
Nov 23, 2015

At the end of the day, Star Wars Battlefront is a well-made game that simply feels incomplete. Fans will love all the ways that it pays homage to our favorite series, and nothing compares to piloting iconic vehicles or force-choking Rebel scum as Lord Vader.

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Nov 20, 2015

Woolly World bring back a lot of what fans loved from Yoshi's Story into the modern area. While the game isn't overwhelming, it is pretty good. With its unique boss fights, fun gameplay, and a wonderful aesthetic Woolly World is worth a pickup.

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Bit Cultures
Roderick Sang
Nov 18, 2015

Overall, even with its imperfections, Tales of Zestiria is a game that I truly loved playing. I am so happy I picked it up on a whim, and unless some super incredible RPG comes out before December ends, I can safely say this was my game of the year. For sure.

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94% - Fallout 4
Nov 17, 2015

Combine that with the level of exploration, and you have something you're going to be playing for a long time. The devil is in the detail, and as soon as you boot up the game, you can clearly see the outstanding level of detail everywhere you look. I went into the game knowing almost exactly what to expect and that's what I got, plus some nice surprises. There are plenty of bugs that you can run into but from my own personal experience, they are bearable enough to not mind them too much. Think of this game as an upgrade to the Fallout series, rather than an evolution, and you'll find almost nothing wrong with it. Fallout 4 is an amazing open-world experience that every gamer needs to experience. It delivers on everything it promised and just a bit more.

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Bit Cultures
Cody Johnston

The Enhanced Edition does a valiant effort of modernizing such an important piece of gaming history but it's modernity that cannibalized all the good parts from this game to better itself. A victim of it's own success, even System Shock 2 feels a bit like it's predecessor done right. System Shock 2 is a great videogame with great ambitions while the original just had those ambitions.

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Bit Cultures
Rafael Serrato
Nov 9, 2015

Ice-Pick Lodge resurrected a great game with Pathologic Classic HD. The old-school text-based narrative works thoroughly in telling a rich, lore-heavy mystery involving an entire town, an unstoppable disease and three main characters. The atmosphere bleeds from the game, creating tense, unique moments throughout the adventure. New players may be initially burdened by the confusing story, dated graphics and voice acting and the extremely high learning curve, but Pathologic's challenge gives players a one-of-a-kind experience in an era where video game linearity is a constant theme. Pathologic Classic HD is a rough masterpiece and well worth any adventurer's endeavor.

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Bit Cultures
Roderick Sang
67% - Brigador
Nov 6, 2015

Aside from the aforementioned, I found everything else about Brigador to be pretty standard. The controls felt weird at first, but it was pretty easy to get used to them after the first play through. The environments are detailed, but become somewhat repetitive and boring after a while. Really they’re more of an object for the player to feel good blowing up, not so much to ogle at.

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If you own a PS4 and do in fact have a queue of turn-based or action RPGs you want to get around to, then maybe Divinity deserves to jump to the front of the line. And if you are a PC gamer that owns the original version of Divinity, you should know the upgrade to this edition is free!

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Bit Cultures
Joe Baker

The Escapists: The Walking Dead freshens up the visuals with some fresh corpses, but its amendments make for an experience that feels more restrained in execution. This is particularly true when it comes to linear solutions hemmed in by a need for story. Zombies might have overrun the gaming world at the moment, but for now, I'd rather be in jail.

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Bit Cultures
Dakota Scibilia
Nov 3, 2015

Sublevel Zero has good core gameplay, but ultimately left me wanting more. The game is by no means a failure, though. In fact, I think it serves as a fantastic jumping off point for a deeper, more fleshed out game. I can't help but feel like there was supposed to be more to it. If SIGTRAP Games were to continue development on the game and add more opportunities for variety and depth, Sublevel Zero could become truly great. As it stands, the game is just good.

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Bit Cultures
Joe Baker
Nov 2, 2015

It's a blast to play and it does exactly what it says on the tin, nothing more, and nothing less. How many games do you know that have that kind of honesty?

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Nov 2, 2015

Spartan laser to the head, the game is okay except for Warzone, which bumps the game to greater heights. If someone felt like playing Invasive HUD 5 after several years of not playing a Halo title, they would not miss much on passing this entry. The game mechanics work and are there, but unmemorable. If Halo 5 were sold in parts, Warzone would be a four-star hotel and the rest of the game would be an alarm clock that could use a smash.

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