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1656 games reviewed
75.2 average score
80 median score
57.6% of games recommended

GameSkinny's Reviews


The Dark Brotherhood, the new expansion for The Elder Scrolls: Legends, brings new cards and a fresh update to the CCG.

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Apr 11, 2017

Unique, with a strong cast of relatable characters, this is a supernatural mystery thriller with a compelling narrative and setting.

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Apr 10, 2017

Alwa's Awakening is an interesting homage to a classic game that manages to stand out -- but not by much.

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Herald is a diverse point and click adventure game that handles subjects with a deft hand, but stumbles over the tiniest pebble in the road.

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Apr 10, 2017

Sumo Digital has created a platform puzzler that is equally charming and infuriating. But it's hours of fun that shouldn't be missed by fans of the genre.

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Apr 9, 2017

DYSTORIA is at its best when you're just cruising through levels, when it tries to become a pure shooter it falls flat.

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Apr 9, 2017

Battle Brothers is a well-made game from the technical standpoint, but the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired.

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Apr 7, 2017

Ittle Dew is a fun title with a good sense of humour and gameplay that can be enjoyed by all ages.

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Apr 6, 2017

Blackwood Crossing is a playful, yet meaningful exploration of fear, love and grief.

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Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition is an amazing video game in most aspects, worth a play for sure.

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Apr 4, 2017

Yooka-Laylee breathes new life into the collectathon platformer genre, but those who weren't into it in its heyday may see less mileage here.

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Apr 1, 2017

Knock Knock is one of the most original psychological horror games ever made, yet it has remained very much an unappreciated title.

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Mar 31, 2017

Hollow Knight is a visually stunning Metroidvania game that's as fun as it is difficult -- and sometimes a little terrifying.

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Mar 30, 2017

Even though the game frequently gates off my progression, I can't get enough of Rain World.

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Mar 30, 2017

Tiles is a puzzle game that does everything it set out to do with a little extra flair.

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Mar 28, 2017

Don't let this kitten fool you, she and her friends are super tough and loyal to the core.

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Mar 28, 2017

Like its titular characters, Has-Been Heroes may look like nothing new, but has a charm and unique style of gameplay that should not be overlooked

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Mar 24, 2017

Gunman Taco Truck is one of the most original and fun games to release in a long time. But it is held back from being a must play to just a great game due to a number of issues.

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Mar 24, 2017

Reaction to Everything is going to be absolutely all over the map, because, well... it's everything! It's a toss up whether any given gamer is going to love or hate it.

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Mar 24, 2017

If you're a fan of turn-based strategy and you're looking for something a bit different I would recommend Afghanistan '11.

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