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898 games reviewed
79.8 average score
80 median score
65.5% of games recommended's Reviews
Mar 16, 2018

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a great game that's almost held back a bit by what makes it so special. I loved the dynamic world and the chase for realism within it, but I didn't like the difficulty spikes that come with it – when you lose a few hours of progress because you haven't saved things can feel quite frustrating. Luckily the team is hard at work and is continuisly improving the game, so your experience with this one will certainly be even better than mine. In the end, it's a great game that is worth playing on PlayStation 4 and which I'm sure wil win several awards this year.

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8 / 10 - Plague Road
Mar 15, 2018

Overall, you're either going to love or hate Plague Road due to its roguelike elements, procedurally generated stages and general cycle that is a bit repetitive if you're not into the strategy battles part of the equation. I had fun with the game and keep coming back to play it even after writing this review, so it's definitely doing something right, so be sure to check it out!

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Aksys Games have done an awesome job with this game. It is both interesting for the casual and advanced players, and has more than enough content to keep you busy for a while. The only downfall for this game is that it was released in the same time as some major AAA fighting games that might make you not see it, but if you like 2D fighters, this one is a must-play on PlayStation.

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Mar 13, 2018

I enjoyed The 25th Ward: The Silver Case more than its prequel since the writing was better, the puzzles were much easier (except for the handful that were a bit cryptic) and thanks to how the control and gameplay mechanics have been improved considerably. Suda51 and NIS America have clearly been listening to fans and their constructive criticism, giving us a sequel that improves on everything The Silver Case upgraded port did on PlayStation 4, and the some.

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8 / 10 - Crawl
Mar 12, 2018

Crawl is a very fun and hectic game you can definitely play on your own with bots or with human soon-to-be ex-friends at home or on the go. The gameplay is easy enough to quickly understand the basics in a couple of minutes, and the randomly generated dungeons will keep you busy for a while. Crawl is a Switch release I definitely recommend you check out.

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Mar 9, 2018

If you're looking for a very interesting game with a weird premise, Octodad is the way to go on Switch.

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Mar 8, 2018

Stick it to the Man is a very fun and great looking release with an interesting premise that is an excellent fit for the Nintendo Switch.

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Mar 7, 2018

Iron Crypticle is a fan and fast-paced twin-stick action release on PS4 you can enjoy on your own or in a full four-player multiplayer session. While you technically don't progress much in the game during each run since when you die you have to go back to the start, you do unlock new weapon times to grab as power-ups as well as add new entries to your items encyclopedia to complete your collection, so if you're the type of player who wants to 100% a game, you will definitely end up being addicted to this cycle, and I recommend you get this one on PS4.

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Mar 7, 2018

And if you want more information about Bridge Constructor Portal then be sure to check our interview with the dev team

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6 / 10 - NORTH
Mar 6, 2018

The game is definitively a unique experience, and if you're looking for something “alternative,” I recommend you also check out Far From Noise.

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8 / 10 - Bleed 2
Mar 5, 2018

Bleed 2 improves on the formula of Bleed, giving us a new game with more action, a higher overall difficulty, better graphics, and an even better soundtrack. It's a better game and a worthy sequel to a very fun game, making this a must-have game you need to get on PlayStation 4.

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9 / 10 - Pinstripe
Mar 5, 2018

PSN Price (PlayStation 4): $14.99

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10 / 10 - Overwatch
Mar 4, 2018

Go and play Overwatch! It's a great game that does something really different with the genre creating a really cool unique experience that somehow feels different everytime you play.

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7 / 10 - Vesta
Mar 2, 2018

PSN Price (PlayStation 4): $14.99

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8 / 10 - ACORN Tactics
Mar 1, 2018

Overall, ACORN Tactics is a fun turn-based strategy release on Nintendo Switch with some pros and cons that you're either going to love or hate. There's more than enough content to justify its asking price, but the way how the game starts a bit on the slow side during the first handful of stages and the high difficulty of later stages might rub some people the wrong way. But if you stick with it you'll find a solid indie release that is worth a shot.

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9 / 10 - Mulaka
Feb 28, 2018

The developers have clearly put a lot of love, time and research into the game and that shows very clearly as you play. A few minor issues, aside, this is a PS4 gem that is a must-have and which you should check out right now.

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Feb 27, 2018

Personally, as fun as the gameplay is, as great as the controls are, and as good as the graphics are, this roguelike is a bit hit and miss. All in all, this is an okay game for playing in short bursts

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8 / 10 - Aven Colony
Feb 26, 2018

Aven Colony is a game that definitely has a steep learning curve since there's a ton of things to learn and many actions you can take. But if you give it a chance and stick with it you'll find a fun city building sim/strategy game with many hours of content to complete that is worth a shot.

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7 / 10 - Doom VFR
Feb 23, 2018

Overall, DOOM VFR is fun once you get the hang of things and as long as you're in the zone, it's an entertaining experience. It has its quirks, but it has more to do with how PS VR is setup and how it works and not with the game itself. You're looking at around 4-5 hours for completing the game, which is definitely a nice chunk of gameplay for a virtual reality release, but your mileage with the game will depend a lot on if you're someone who suffers from motion sickness when slowly moving through a VR experience or not, since the speed at which you need to teleport/move and shoot at demons can certainly push you closer to the “I'm not feeling so well” edge, so do keep that in mind if you're considering getting this one!

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Feb 22, 2018

Dragon's Lair Trilogy is a solid collection on PlayStation 4 that you need to get, especially if you're a fan of the three games in this set, a fan of animation, or if you're looking for a type of game that we don't usually get a chance to play in current generation system.

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