3DNews's Reviews
Detroit: Become Human is a great prediction of our nearest future, where rise of the unemployment among humans will be caused by an ever-increasing automation. But most importantly, it's an emotional story about the cruelty of our world, about fighting for freedom — and a price you have to pay to gain it. And the best Quantic Dream game to date.
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If you made a mistake and already bought a season pass, you can spend a couple of evenings in this DLC and even have fun. If you have not bought it yet, then don't. It's that simple.
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State of Decay 2 is pretty much the same as the first game from five years ago, with some fixes and tweaks here and there. It is still an interesting blend of zombie survival action and social management simulator. But after five years we expected something more.
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A fun mix of F-Zero and Splatoon with unusual gameplay mechanics. Even if multiplayer lobbies remain empty, you can always spend your time in a fun story mode.
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Dragon's Crown is still one of the best beat 'em up games, even after almost 5 years. The Pro version didn't introduce anything new but also didn't make anything worse.
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Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire is a diligent sequel that does a lot of things right. But it is just not enough to reach the level of Divinity: Original Sin 2.
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Everything in the battles is done perfectly. Deep tactics with a lot of different ways to fight, requiring to keep a lot of parameters in your head, will not leave time for other activities.
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The Sword of Ditto could've been be an amazing game, if it's gameplay mechanics were thought-out better. Alas, the timer often feels like an inconvenience and doesn't let you fully explore beautiful locations with great dungeons.
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Frostpunk is not as complex city builder as it could be, but an engaging one for sure. What is more important, it will challenge your moral principles like no other game before.
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Yakuza 6 isn't as great as Yakuza 0, but it's better than Yakuza Kiwami. No matter what, fans should definitely pick it up, and if you are not familiar with Kazuma Kiryu, you should check out Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami first.
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God of War is undoubtedly a technical masterpiece. The idea with one camera executed brilliantly — nobody ever done something like that, and nobody will in the nearest couple of years. Or decades. Besides, Kratos is written into the North mythology with love to both the spartan and the myths. But in terms of gameplay God of War strongly reminds Darksiders series, with kind of boring combat sequences, repetitive boss fights, awful camera position during the battles where you can't see what's going on behind you, and not so necessary RPG elements.
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If you are ready to forgive this game for its trivial plot, boring exploration and not that perfect control scheme, Masters of Anima will be able to reward you with a couple of fun hours thanks to the great battles with golems.
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Unfortunately, Extinction is an example of a good idea executed poorly. Better luck next time.
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Minit is a nice and lovely mini-adventure full of interesting puzzles and fun situations.
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Well, good news is that Ash of Gods isn't a complete clone of The Banner Saga. Bad news — this game took too much from the Stoic series, to the point that it feels like a user mod, with bad balance and poor writing.
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Sea of Thieves is excellent on paper, but underwhelming in execution. You can revel in steering your ship and pillaging other players' ships all you want, but the truth will rise eventually — Rare's new game extremely lacks in content and variety. And even great core gameplay mechanics can't remedy that.
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A wonderful continuation of the series. Far Cry 5 adjusted a well-known formula enough to make the chase after brilliant antagonists very fun and exciting.
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Great debut for SeithCG. Stealth mechanic is far from being great, but stunning visuals and smart level design is what really involves you into the beautifully grim world of Ghost of a Tale.
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A fun and unusual game which will definitely brighten up your evening.
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Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is simply the best coop experience in years.
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