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Arcade Sushi

382 games reviewed
77.7 average score
80 median score
62.0% of games recommended

Arcade Sushi's Reviews

8.5 / 10.0 - Evolve
Feb 25, 2015

Evolve offers players a chance to tame the wilds of an alien landscape. Only it's never really quite clear just who is the hunter and who is being hunted.

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Feb 24, 2015

Dead or Alive 5: Last Round takes everything fans could love about the series and cranks it all up to 11, but that doesn't mean it's doing anything new.

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7 / 10.0 - Hand of Fate
Feb 23, 2015

Hand of Fate mixes deck-building with hack 'n slash dungeon crawling in a way that's fluid enough for casual fans to enjoy, but lacks the complexity for veterans of either genre to really sink their teeth into.

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8 / 10.0 - Grow Home
Feb 18, 2015

Grow Home delivers on a simple yet charming story in an equally engaging world.

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Divisive as it may be, Majora's Mask is an important game in the Zelda series; not for its technical innovations, but for its storytelling and gameplay achievements.

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Feb 17, 2015

Though occasionally marred by technical issues and cumbersome segments, Book of Unwritten Tales 2 is a delightful experience I'm happy to have been surprised by.

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7 / 10.0 - Apotheon
Feb 11, 2015

Apotheon doesn't have the deepest story, but there's enough there to get things done while propelling you into the real action of exploring and fighting.

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8 / 10.0 - #IDARB
Feb 11, 2015

Given the volatile and unpredictable nature of the social media environment, this experiment could have blown up in Other Ocean's face. Instead, I get to enjoy one of the wackiest and fun games I've ever pressed start to play.

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Feb 10, 2015

I now understand why this franchise has so many die-hard fans, and I get why hundreds of hours are spent roaming the hills and deserts looking for new prey.

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7 / 10.0 - The Escapists
Feb 9, 2015

The Escapists certainly has its times where it felt like Shawshank's river-crawl through crap, but each escape felt hard-earned and true enough to the point where we felt clean on the other side of its prison walls.

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Feb 9, 2015

Double Fine has catered to all those who fell in love with this masterpiece long ago, but also prove that Grim Fandango is not as timeless as we thought.

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The weight of our choices is felt with every breath and step we take. While it's terribly stressful to be in charge of so many lives, it's also exciting.

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7 / 10.0 - Dying Light
Feb 2, 2015

Dying Light's core gameplay is solid and offers a uniquely thrilling sort of fun, but for every moment you spend having a good time, you'll spend just as many frustrated by its shortcomings.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Citizens of Earth
Feb 2, 2015

I was excited for Citizens of Earth, and I marked it down as the first 2015 release I wanted to sink my teeth into. What I bit off left a bad taste in my mouth.

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Feb 2, 2015

Resident Evil is an excellent, successful resurrection of a timeless classic. While there may not be enough content to satiate those familiar with the 13-year-old remake, things still felt fresh, in a rotted, unsettling sort of way.

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Life is Strange explores what it's like to be a teenage girl on the brink of escaping the clutches of high school, but with the ability to rewind time.

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Jan 29, 2015

I do really enjoy playing Paper Jam. It's silly, it's challenging, and it's everything I remember SMRPG being all those years ago.

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4.5 / 10.0 - Blackguards 2
Jan 26, 2015

The opening of Blackguards 2 is deep with implication, unpleasant, entirely unfun, and a perfect metaphor for what you're in for with the rest of this game.

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Jan 7, 2015

The Marvellous Miss Take may, considering its refreshingly light color palette and cutesy moniker, be mistaken as an all too easy stealth experience, but looks are definitely deceiving. Sophia and her partners are beguiling, artful dodgers, and along with stealing a ton of masterpieces, they will also capture a healthy chunk of your time.

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Dec 21, 2014

Guilty Gear Xrd does everything it can to bring in sheltered fighting fans like myself while also maintaining the depth that made longtime fans swoon.

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