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2707 games reviewed
72.2 average score
75 median score
47.0% of games recommended

Destructoid's Reviews

Sep 29, 2016

Azure Striker Gunvolt 2's levels play things a little close to the chest, but the sheer breadth of tactics opened up by the inclusion of Copen make it even easier to recommend than its predecessor. It's a jolly old platforming time, and I hope it reaches the level of success it was destined to hit.

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Sep 29, 2016

If you never got the chance to strap on a mask and make some dirty money, The Big Score might still be worth checking out. If you're a seasoned criminal wondering if it's time to get back into the life, you won't find much to pull you back in.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Overcooked
Sep 28, 2016

Aside from from the local-only consideration and some inconsistencies with the scoring criteria and stage layouts, man, what a game. Overcooked is the best co-op experience I've had in recent memory, and despite going back through to fully clear every level, I wish there were more. Don't overlook it.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Yo-Kai Watch 2
Sep 28, 2016

I hope Yo-Kai Watch catches on to the point where we get to see everything else make it westward. The second game doubles down on the idea of celebrating Japan when a lot of developers are shying away from it, and for that and more, it has my support.

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Sep 27, 2016

Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice isn't the worst Sonic game I've ever played. It isn't terrible. The platforming and sense of speed are here, though just not as fun as you might remember them. The whole affair is rather ugly -- which can't only be blamed on the 3DS, though it doesn't help -- and the game isn't exactly long at a few hours to complete, if that. Hardcore fans of the series will probably get some enjoyment out of this, but for the full price of $40, it is hard to recommend to anyone else. If you're desperate for another Sonic game, you could do worse.

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Sep 27, 2016

In a way, even with their flaws, all of the maps so far have felt like they've added something to the overall package of Hitman outside of Colorado. I hope Japan is better, but Hitman even does filler right.

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Sep 26, 2016

In short, there are highs and lows to Death Star. With a few expansions down and only one left to go, I was expecting something greater. If not more from the headliner, Battle Station, than at least more mode compatibility with the new maps. There's no excuse. I came in thinking it'd be an easy sell -- and it probably still will be for some given its inherent nostalgia -- but I'm coming out of it feeling let down. Taken with the rest of the season pass, Death Star helps round out the wider experience, but I would have a hard time recommending it as a standalone purchase. At this point, I'd go all or nothing.

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Sep 26, 2016

Although Tokyo Rumble plays great and I had lots of fun with it, the gameplay on display has been done better, and recently. Both Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Double Dragon Neon have online and local co-op play in addition to considerably better graphics and sound. That said, neither of those games ever made it to the 3DS, so if you want to smack up some street scum on the go, it's easy to recommend River City: Tokyo Rumble. There's lots to unlock, it never stops being fun to whale on the other gangs, and despite the simple graphics, those classic character sprites show off more personality than a lot of more modern games' protagonists. If you're on the fence, I'd recommend trying the original River City Ransom on the Wii or Wii U virtual console, since this is a greatly enhanced version of the same thing. If you already have nostalgia for the series, feel free to add a couple of points to the score.

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Sep 23, 2016

Destiny: Rise of Iron is a weird cookie. Bungie clearly put its live team in charge on this one, as there's nowhere near the amount of completely new-feeling stuff packed in as there was in Taken King -- and with so many people getting winded, a step that big was really needed. Yet, if I assess Destiny right now as a total package, with four expansions under its belt and hundreds of [good] tweaks and patches, it's easier to recommend.

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Sep 22, 2016

This mild sense of disappointment at Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness' production values can't obscure the fact that its most important component, its writing, succeeds, and largely captures what made the anime feel special. It may not exceed or even meet its source material's heights, but it does it justice, which is, considering Psycho-Pass' world, more than can be said for most cases.

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7 / 10.0 - The Bunker
Sep 22, 2016

As a game, it might bring all this goodwill down a peg, but it never once feels like you’ve wasted your time. At worst, it's like you’ve watched a great horror/thriller with a faulty remote by your side. And if you get over that, you’ll enjoy The Bunker. Well, as enjoyable as a post-nuclear holocaust story allows, anyway.

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3 / 10.0 - Virginia
Sep 22, 2016

Virginia is, at its best, a gaming mechanism that provides slightly more immersion than watching a movie -- and at its worst, a failed walking simulator with a convoluted ending. Because it is a scripted experience light on interaction and choice, I'm not entirely sure I can recommend it as a game. There may be an inkling of promise in its budding story, but for many I imagine it will be hard to read between the lines and even harder to consider it a worthy experience.

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7 / 10.0 - Rive
Sep 21, 2016

As the last game Two Tribes will ever make, the few remaining employees there can hold their heads high with what they created. It's not the best game in its catalog, and the difficulty will be a turn-off for many, but Rive leaves its mark as one of the more challenging games of this generation. Gluttons for punishment will have no trouble eating it up, but others should satiate their appetite elsewhere.

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9 / 10.0 - Forza Horizon 3
Sep 20, 2016

That's kind of where Forza Horizon is at right now: It's a series that's consistently enjoyable on an every-other-year cycle. Playground Games' take on Australia falls right in line. It's not quite the leap that the franchise made from the original Horizon to Horizon 2, but it's not on cruise control, either. There's enough variation here -- from the feel of cars to the game modes to the radio stations -- that this is another excellent installment in an always-excellent series. And, since variation is a key reason for Horizon 3's success, well, Australia seems like it's probably the most perfectly appropriate setting.

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Sep 20, 2016

Still, some people will find meaning and depth in what Dear Esther delivers. I envy that. The linchpin of these games is to develop a connection with the player. Along with that connection comes emotion. Dear Esther is simply too disconnected from itself to ever connect with me.

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You still have your patented "safe" approach from Telltale with Batman: A Telltale Games Series: Children of Arkham, but its heart is in the right place. Retreading on Batman themes we've already seen from great writers like Jeph Loeb, Frank Miller, or Scott Snyder isn't necessarily a bad thing.

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Noitu Love: Devolution feels better than ever on the 3DS. It looks just as beautiful, even on the small screen, and plays right into the touchscreen's strength. The arcade nature of the game almost guarantees multiple playthroughs on harder difficulties and with new, completely unique characters.

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Sep 15, 2016

Atlus has been going strong for over 30 years and they have no sign of stopping. This would have been a cash-in almost anywhere else, but here, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse was shown the level of love and care most would give aggressively marketed new IPs. It's still no Nocturne, but it'll do.

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Sep 14, 2016

World of Warcraft: Legion does the greatest job so far of really connecting players to its world. Unlike the past several expansions I really want to be a part of this universe and see this story through until its end. This is the best WoW has been since Wrath -- believe it.

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9 / 10.0 - Event[0]
Sep 14, 2016

There are plenty of games out there that you can beat, speed-run, and master. There are very few you can talk to. Don’t sleep on the opportunity.

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