Eric Hauter

341 games reviewed
78.4 average score
80 median score
60.4% of games recommended
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Apr 20, 2022

Postal 4: No Regerts is ugly to look and ugly to play – less because it is offensive or inappropriate, more because it is so poorly done. By completely whiffing on anything resembling humor and utterly failing to deliver any meaningful gameplay, Postal 4 delivers nothing of value to players unless they really enjoy watching a game crash once an hour. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

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Jul 11, 2018

New Gundam Breaker is such a bad game that it makes me feel bad for Gundam fans. I picture a 12-year-old Gundam fanatic that has saved up weeks' worth of lawnmowing mowing money, sitting with a controller hanging loosely in her hand, staring at the screen and crying. This is a game that should never have come to market, regardless of how much hard work went into its creation. To ask anyone to pay money for New Gundam Breaker is outright offensive.

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2 / 10.0 - NightCry
Jan 31, 2019

NightCry goes beyond the usual borders of broken games and into new nightmarish territory. I have frankly never played a game as rife with issues as this one. If ever there were a game that could be labelled "unplayable", NightCry is the game. Outside of not loading at all, I can't think of another way this game could fail. If NightCry were the last game on Earth, I would not play it. I mean that literally. It's that bad.

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3 / 10.0 - Arc of Alchemist
Feb 5, 2020

Arc of Alchemist is not technically broken, which is the best thing I can say about it. Combining the most basic combat, the most complicated menu system, the weirdest economy, some pretty poor PS2-era graphics, and the densest, most indecipherable tips section, Arc of Alchemist is indeed reminiscent of a work of alchemy – if said alchemist was attempting to turn your valuable time into dust. Avoid at all costs.

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May 4, 2023

Beyond incomprehensible, Mia and the Dragon Princess is the type of low-budget FMV schlock that gives schlock a bad name. Regardless of what choices the player makes, the story does not hold together, the action doesn't hit, and the interface is boring. This is the first Wales Interactive title I've played that is absolutely not worth your time.

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Dreamworks Spirit Lucky's Big Adventure might be a lot of fun, if it would function long enough for a kid to play it. This game is broken in nearly every way possible: the graphics stutter and shake, the save files won't load, and the quest lines lead players in circles. There is no way a responsible adult should hand a child a game in this condition-is is simply unplayable.

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Jul 28, 2019

Wolfenstein Cyberpilot will be remembered as a curiosity; a failed side project with cool mechanics and no gameplay. Released without the Wolfenstein name, this would be a slight, middle-of-the-road title with little to recommend it. But with the Wolfenstein name attached, Cyberpilot becomes a debacle. Wolfenstein fans should not play this game. Neither should anyone else.

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3.5 / 10.0 - Conan Exiles
Jul 2, 2018

Conan Exiles is one of the most disappointing games I have played this generation. I have not experienced another game on PlayStation 4 as broken as Exiles. It is hard to believe that a game could be released for purchase in such bad condition. In another genre, the bugs in Exiles might be fun or amusing. In a survival game, they are crippling. Gamers deserve, and should demand, better.

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4 / 10.0 - PixARK
Jun 22, 2019

Whether you are a fan of Ark, voxel-based construction games, or survival games in general, you will find something to hate about PixARK. A wild mess of a game, PixARK is one of the most off-putting experiences on PlayStation 4. Avoiding PixARK is imperative.

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4.9 / 10.0 - Make War
May 6, 2020

Make War's bizarre alien interference on historic battlefields gameplay is fun on several levels, but the interface is broken beyond any level of acceptability. With a great concept and super-sticky gameplay, this game is likely incredibly addictive on PC. But due to poor implementation on Switch, you'll get frustrated and quit before you experience the game's many simple pleasures.

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Nov 30, 2018

Only a game due to the fact that one must handle a controller to experience it, Affected: The Manor is better described as a brief trip into a decently designed fun-house. There's nothing wrong with that, but there's also nothing notable about it. With no gameplay to speak of, Affected is strictly one and done.

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May 13, 2021

Space Commander: War and Trade makes the transition from mobile to console without considering what changes would make the game more palatable for console players. A very basic trading system, a fiddly map, and super simple space combat all add up to an experience that underwhelms. There is a lot going on in Space Commander, but not very much of it is fun.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Maid of Sker
Jul 28, 2020

Interesting story beats can't overcome the fact that Maid of Sker looks and plays like a frustrating game from an earlier era.

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5.5 / 10.0 - BE-A Walker
Mar 9, 2020

BE-A-Walker is the first game I can recall that opens with a difficulty spike. The message is clear: get onboard with the game's many anxiety-inducing mechanics or get out now. Beyond that, you will find a moderately entertaining AT-ST simulator. Be ready to juggle a variety of frustrating systems, as nothing in this game comes easy.

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Feb 27, 2020

Townsmen – A Kingdom Rebuilt is a familiar-feeling town management sim, with some mobile mechanics that hover very close beneath the surface. This game will feel instantly familiar to fans of the genre, with few surprises or innovations. There is some fun to be had for patient players willing to wait for timers to run their course, but the price point is prohibitive. If you are interested in Townsmen, I would advise waiting for a sale.

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5.5 / 10.0 -
Feb 10, 2020

Patapon 2 Remastered fails to compensate for the fact that the Sony PSP was a very different device from the PlayStation 4, and in the end, controller latency sinks this classic game adaptation. If the game had compensated for the particulars of its new home, it may have been immensely enjoyable – the core of a great game is intact. But as it stands, Patapon 2 is frustrating and unfun.

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Dec 7, 2019

Several weeks after release (and several patches deep) Espire 1: VR Operative is ultimately an unfinished game. I have no problem with Early Access titles on PC, but by the time a game hits the PlayStation Store, my expectations are that it is in a playable state. After two patches, Espire 1: VR Operative still feels largely unpolished (and at times, actively broken). Proceed with caution.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Woven
Nov 14, 2019

Woven is so sweet that it is begging to be loved, but in the end it is simply too clunky to be endured.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Anyone's Diary
Feb 7, 2019

Anyone's Diary might be worth a look for anyone interested in game development and this game's particular history. The visuals on display are often impressive. But for the average player, I suspect that the game's bugs and short length will be deal breakers. When a game is regularly erasing your progress, the best intentions in the world won't save it.

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Jun 15, 2018

If Rick & Morty: Virtual Rick-ality were a discount title, I would say "Take a look, but keep your expectations in check." However, this is one of the more expensive VR titles, and the brevity of the story combined with the frustration of some broken mechanics make this a mixed bag. The game is fun when it is working correctly, and the world building and writing are top notch, but don't expect to spend more than a couple of hours in Rick's garage, with some of that time spent wrestling with broken mechanics.

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