Nathan Carter

106 games reviewed
76.0 average score
80 median score
55.7% of games recommended
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Nov 25, 2022

100% unacceptable. Glitches and game breaking bugs left and right. This game should have never been allowed to be released in this state. It's a shame really, because while the first game wasn't amazing, it was decent for what it was. Cobra Kai 2 is a complete failure at almost every level. Stay far far far away from this game.

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2 / 10.0 - WWE 2K20
Nov 14, 2019

Completely unacceptable. This game should have never been released in this state and it baffles me that this was even allowed to be sold at all. WWE 2K20 is by far the worst game released in the 20-year history of the mainline series of WWE Games.

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3.5 / 10.0 - Samurai Riot
Jun 16, 2022

While Samurai Riot has decent gameplay and an interesting choose-your-own-path mechanic, I cannot recommend anyone buy Samurai Riot for the Switch right now due to the save erasing bug.

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Dec 22, 2017

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will go down as one of the biggest screw ups in video game history. EA and DICE had the easiest job in the world and completely ruined it with the absolutely ridiculous and downright unacceptable progression system for multiplayer. Combine that with the incredibly boring, lazy, and cliche story campaign and you easily have the biggest disappointment of 2017.

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Jun 3, 2016

This was probably the most heartbreaking game I ever had to review because I know this game went through so much developmental hell to get released and it really does feel like they tried, but sadly, the end product is just too broken to recommend

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4.9 / 10.0 - Firefall
Sep 3, 2014

Firefall showed some real promise as I started on my epic journey. The shooting was fine, and the missions were fun at first, but then after doing almost the same thing over and over again, I just couldn't find any reason to continue. Like I said, I am willing to go back and see if the game improves in the future but I wont be returning to Firefall anytime soon.

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Jan 13, 2014

If you own a Windows tablet or Windows phone, just play this on those devices instead if you must. Even if you are a huge Halo fan, there is absolutely no reason to shell out $15 for this game when you can play the exact same game for $7 on mobile devices. It's a shame because I feel like Halo: Spartan Assault could have been a great game if they took the time to add more features to the game. Make the game more challenging, add tons of new levels, make the game feel like a real twin stick shooter where I am shooting all over the screen to avoid being killed. That, to me, would have been worth the price increase, but as it stands, Halo: Spartan Assault on Xbox One is just an expensive port of a game that was released months ago.

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Aug 14, 2015

Red Goddess has beautiful visuals and an interesting rage and fear transformation system. It had potential, but sadly, a great game is buried under a pile of problems.

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4.9 / 10.0 - WWE 2K15
Nov 23, 2014

WWE 2K15 wins my award for the biggest disappointment of the year. This game is a mess. I believe that 2K had good intentions and believe that the have created a great foundation for future games, but 2K15 is not great at all. The gameplay is slow, sluggish, clunky and terrible. My Career doesn't feel like a career mode at all and all of the gutted creation modes and match types really just sealed the deal for me. I understand that 2K may be starting from scratch, and I'm sure they have huge plans for the future of the franchise, but unfortunately, I can only review what I have in front of me and what I have is not good. WWE 2K15 really feels like WWE 2K16: Prologue.

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5.5 / 10.0 - God of Rock
May 2, 2023

I give God of Rock credit for trying to combine rhythm games and fighting games together and while I do think there is potential with the idea unfortunately the execution here isn't as good as it could have been.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Roller Drama
Feb 26, 2023

Roller Drama is a short visual novel that has a lot of neat characters and interesting ideas that unfortunately don't all come together in the end.

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6.5 / 10.0 - AEW: Fight Forever
Jun 28, 2023

No Mercy this is not. It's got good intentions and the right idea, but the game is not there just yet. I understand this is their first game, but there is just not enough meat on the bone to justify paying full price for this. The story mode is short, repetitive, and nothing you do matters. Matches are way too short, the creation modes are ridiculously limited, and we don't even have basic match options like turning on and off DQs or elimination rules in multiman matches to keep exhibition mode interesting. Maybe after a year or so of updates, this will feel more like a complete package, but I would recommend waiting for a sale or some major updates before picking this one up.

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6.5 / 10.0 - The Quarry
Jun 26, 2022

As a fan of Supermassive's other games I was really excited for this one, hoping it would be as good as Until Dawn, but after I finished it I just felt disappointed, especially with the abrupt ending and bad writing that made me not even want to try another playthrough to see how else the story could have played out.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Bush Hockey League
Apr 7, 2022

Bush League Hockey got just about everything right except for the actual Hockey part, which is a shame because this is a charming arcade-style game but it's not something that I can see a lot of people wanting to play over long periods of time.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Battlefield 2042
Nov 27, 2021

When Battlefield 2042 works, it works well and can be fun but it sadly feels like this game really should have been delayed again with all of its issues.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Marvel's Avengers
Sep 17, 2020

A great campaign is pretty much the only thing that saves Marvel's Avengers from complete mediocrity.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Rocket Arena
Aug 5, 2020

Rocket Arena shows a lot of promise but a there is a steep barrier to entry with the small amount of content it offers right now.

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Nov 17, 2017

This game doesn't feel like the next game in a long running series. This feels like a brand new game that exists only to promote the Marvel Cinematic Universe

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6.5 / 10.0 - Outlast II
May 12, 2017

Outlast 2 is visually beautiful, tense and boasts a grotesque but intriguing story. Unfortunately, the overabundance of atrocious chase sequences completely destroy any and all tension and fun the game has going for it.

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Nov 12, 2015

Fans of the series will probably get a kick out of the use of the source material but it's hard to recommend this game to anyone but said fans of the source material. For everyone else, it's repetitive and probably isn't at the level of depth that most fighting games offer these days.

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