Dustin Murphy
Dustin Murphy's Reviews
Honestly, it’s a great title, one that benefits well from the Ages mode that allows us to play an easier, albeit alternative experience to the initial release, allowing for a breath of fresh air to be given to something that has defied the history of gaming.
Whether you enjoyed Dynasty Warriors 8 when it initially launched or the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One version of Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends, this version has a lot more to offer and it really feels that Koei Tecmo and Omega Force knew that going in with a dedicated Nintendo Switch launch.
With a constant flow of patches in the works and new ones currently in development and rumors of Halo: Reach getting added into the mix, we can only hope that this collection keeps getting the love it’s needed, and the love that 343 Industries has been giving it over the course of the past few months.
Under the fan service and the hard-to-ignore boob jokes, Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal is an amazingly fun and catchy title that is one that offers the “pick up and go” experience you might expect. The only downside, the fan service could very well hurt it for many fans who prefer not to play one that has as much fan service like this one has.
Sadly, I’ve found that the local play with bots or a couple of friends is the only way to truly enjoy the game at the time of writing this review. Luckily, however, that’s a common occurrence and I’m more than happy to sneak my way through the shadows, besting a pal, through the chaos that ensues match-in and match-out.
One thing I do hope is that Fear the Wolves gets the attention it needs from Battle Royale fans or fans of games with more than meets the eye that awaits those that give the game a chance. After all, this is a game I recommend regardless and I hope that its player base steadily grows given time. Until then, I can’t justify a score higher than the one you see below.
"Anthem, problems aside, is a solid game, it's beautiful, it's organic and it's one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had with an open world title since Assassin's Creed Odyssey as of recent and stays true to the values and traditions BioWare has been known for since their establishment."
Whether it's the well-designed character development, the heart-wrenching goodbyes, or the moments of letting those you've come to love in the story go; Legacy of the First Blade bleeds that its a passion project for those who helped bring it to life, and the payoff is worth the joined efforts Ubisoft's teams in Montreal put into the three-episode story DLC.
In its current state, even as an 8-bit enthusiast who loves a good Contra or Ninja Gaiden Style challenge if its put before me, I can't recommend Oniken: Unstoppable Edition despite the amount of content that it actually has to offer and the fact it's an absolutely beautiful game.
While it’s daring, it’s fun, and ultimately the darkest entry within the Compile Heart library, I often felt my experience marred by the need to endlessly retrace my steps while wondering around maze-like dungeons for hours on end. However, it will take quite a bit of patience to get where the game itself really stands out as one of their strongest.
Even though its a few weeks post-launch, it's hard to truly emphasize on how absolutely massive Tom Clancy's The Division 2 actually is. It's huge in scope and size. There's more to do than I'd experienced in previous loot shooters and dungeon crawlers alike. When it comes to how a looter shooter should be executed ahead of its launch and at launch, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 is the poster child when all things are said and done.
Whether you are a fan of the series or not, Fate/EXTELLA LINK is rather fun, it's filled to the brim with action, and allows for fans both new and old to familiarize themselves with a healthy roster of well-established servants. It ensures that no one encounter will ever be experienced exactly the same and sets itself leagues ahead of some of its competitor titles, making it an absolute must-have for Musou fans.
When it comes to wrapping up a title like The Caligula Effect: Overdose, it’s hard not to be left with a sense of mixed feelings about the game. Many of the PlayStation Vita’s fundamental issues remain such as inconsistent storytelling elements, gameplay issues (repetition), and rather stiff character animations. A part of me wonders if it was the fact that it is a PlayStation Vita port, just using a brand new engine to bring it up to speed, or if this was in fact – an intentional design choice at the end of the day.
Overall, for its price, World War Z isn’t an unfair package as a title of its kind. With the ability to add more content later, repair its unbalanced multiplayer, and hopefully deliver an experience worth undertaking in the future. In its current state, it’s just a short-lived experience without any longevity to it.
While there’s no physicality to your achievements in the terms of cards, it eliminates the need for arcade machines, and it even gives you a sense of accomplishment when competing against players from around the world. From a story that’s actually moderately enjoyable to the nostalgia created by adventuring into saga’s that include stuff from the adventures of the Time Patrol or even Super, there’s no doubt the game has a lot to offer.
One of the best and worst things about Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain is that it continues to use a tried and true formula, only changing a few necessary elements, and adding in a few minor ones to make itself really stand out from the rest. While it sounds as shameful as it could be, it isn’t, and it’s a welcome change in a series that had begun to grow stagnant over the past few releases.
The only thing left to say now is this: Days Gone is one of the strongest titles we've yet seen this year and it is one that stands as one of the best PlayStation titles of this generation and it's one I highly urge you give a chance ahead of clearing off your backlog of games.
"The only problem with the experience, is the performance, a problem I can’t look past, and a problem I hope the developers do acknowledge through an upcoming update, or at least give an explanation as to why their game was limited to a single core on a CPU. If they can fix that, then this game has it all, and it’s 10-hour adventure is – regardless – a quite remarkable one that uses Greek mythos as its foundation."
Unfortunately, with a semi-dead multiplayer, very few people to play Cooperative mode with, you'll find that your enjoyability is slim pickings, but if you can enjoy it the way you would any single player game, then Sniper Elite V2 Remastered is right up your alley and remains one of the best sniper-focused games on the market.
RAGE 2 at the end of the day, is a shooter you shouldn't miss as long as you don't mind making it last through exploring a fully fleshed-out open world, that, at times, does feel slightly hollow, but still rather organic to most games of this type through side-missions, daily bounties, and even live-events that crop up rather often.