Raoni Mendes Pinheiro

64 games reviewed
71.6 average score
75 median score
48.4% of games recommended
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7 / 10.0 - Dogurai
Apr 18, 2020

Nostalgic fans of the genre are likely to be entertained enough, but it's hard to say that Dogurai is a must for most players. There is something different and intriguing here in this first release from Hungry Bear Games, but it all ends too quickly. Even though the duration is a direct reference to the source material (platform classics from the 8-bit era), this shouldn't be a limitation - several NES games and the original Game Boy were gigantic and full of content. I look forward to seeing what the studio is planning for the future, the potential is there.

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7 / 10.0 - ITTA
Apr 30, 2020

Despite the flaws, ITTA is a title that stands out in a way. The graphics and fluid animations, for example, show zeal and delicacy while pleasing the eyes. Along with the intriguing narrative and the almost abstract sound part, the title manages to create a melancholy and introspective atmosphere that can be palpable. It is a pity that everything ends so quickly: it is possible to complete ITTA in about three to four hours without problems, and there is not much to do afterwards.

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The unquestionable fact here is that the first DLC in Pokémon history could have been something much more grand, or at least memorable. It is possible to have fun, enjoy a few quick moments and you can certainly kill some time. Pokémon fans will feel compelled to buy the expansion, and if they want to extend the Sword / Shield experience, there really is no other option. It is a pity, however, that we fans always have to be content with so little on the part of Game Freak.

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In a way, this weirdly licensed SpongeBob game is a decent piece of video game history and I think it's worth taking a chance if you like the genre. Some interesting new features also come up, like support for menus and subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese, and a very simple multiplayer mode in which you and a friend attack waves of enemies in sequence. Battle for Bikini Bottom has never been a perfect game - and it certainly is not yet the case - but it, at the very least, continues with its unique charm and outstanding gameplay.

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Jul 11, 2020

If you like Dig Dug, some older Mr. Driller or even Tetris, it's worth giving DrillLand a try. You can expect a game in which there is much to be done, with addictive gameplay, a great soundtrack and a first-rate setting.

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Despite some problems, it is not difficult to have fun and spend several hours exploring the world of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. If you like this kind of game, but you've played Stardew Valley a thousand times, can't take Animal Crossing: New Horizons anymore, or just played the original or miss a good old Harvest Moon, go ahead without fear. There is a lot to do, more than I expected at the beginning, actually.

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3 / 10.0 - Radio Squid
Jul 24, 2020

In general, in addition to being somewhat boring and repetitive, Radio Squid is simply not a fun game. Having to deal with your own shots all the time coming straight to your face in every single, tight room is exhausting - you can't even stand and think for a second without being punished by the game. As small positive points, the soundtrack is pretty cool and the Game Boy style look certainly appeals; however, these aspects are far from rescuing an experience as unpleasant as that of this game.

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Jul 30, 2020

Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 is brutal, intriguing, nostalgic, fun and frustrating. The experience is unlikely to appeal to everyone, and perhaps it exists only for niche players, like people with an interest in difficult games, old platformers or Castlevania fans. However, there is no doubt that the title fulfills what it promises, honoring its traditions and bringing some valid new things that result in a game well done and that deserves to be played. I'm here hoping that a possible third one will take the formula to even less orthodox places, but for now, Curse of the Moon 2 has a lot to offer - especially if you have a friend to play with.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Ageless
Aug 6, 2020

Ageless is a beautiful tale about empathy and purpose, with an ambience as simple as its message and full of puzzles that can be quite complicated. The game has several positive aspects, and it manages to develop its own identity to create an experience that deserves to be explored. However, there are also several stones in the way: gameplay can be repetitive, tiring and simply flawed and frustrating.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Nowhere Prophet
Aug 12, 2020

Nowhere Prophet is a large project by a small team that resulted in a different, innovative, intriguing and well-done job. There is no glaring flaw in what the game proposes, but there are undoubtedly points that could be better polished. Additionally, the genre itself, the large amount of text to read and rules to learn, the severe difficulty and the high learning curve make the game a niche game that will go unnoticed by many people. Fans of different card games and / or roguelikes, however, may like it a lot.

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9 / 10.0 - Spiritfarer
Aug 29, 2020

Spiritfarer is a game about collecting a ton of resources at a frantic pace and exploring a vast map solving quests, but likewise it is also a beautiful bittersweet tale about life and death. The games explore themes like love, affection, goodbyes, pains, insecurities and new beginnings in a way that we don't see much in the world of video games. Best of all, this beautiful story takes place within a legitimately innovative, fun and well-made game. Do not waste time, Spiritfarer is one of the best games of the year for Switch.

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9 / 10.0 - A Short Hike
Sep 3, 2020

A Short Hike is short and sweet, just like a tiny chocolate bar. You know that each bite will be worth it, but the experience definitely lasts for a short time. Going beyond a "mere" video game, A Short Hike resembles a poem or an interactive work of art at different times, while still managing to be a legitimately fun game in the process.

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6 / 10.0 - West of Dead
Sep 10, 2020

West of Dead has a great premise and manages to deliver a fun combat that certainly has its layers. As any good roguelike, you must master the mechanics of the game and go through a good number of runs before you can expect any success. However, there is a feeling of lack of polish thanks to some poor game design choices that prevents the experience from being truly memorable.

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Sep 27, 2020

It is difficult to find a reason why someone who has a Switch does not purchase Super Mario 3D All-Stars. There is a certain lack of polish in the visual presentation of the collection, and it doesn't make much sense for Mario 64 not to run at 60 fps in 1080p widescreen in 2020. However, as much as this collection could be better, it currently offers the best way to play these three absolute classics of video game history.

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6 / 10.0 - Going Under
Oct 10, 2020

Going Under deviates a little from the path of an ideal roguelike. Instead of enjoying the wonderful visuals, the great soundtrack and the fun premise to make a captivating, agile and action-packed game, the title loses a little focus on what really matters. It is possible to spend some good hours of fun with the game, but the technical problems in the combat, the little variety inside the dungeons (and outside them), the lack of information in some moments, and the excess of exposure in others, made that I never fully get caught up in the adventure.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Ikenfell
Oct 15, 2020

Old-fashioned role-playing fans, Harry Potter and other magical school environments fans, and enthusiasts for retro games in general will certainly appreciate Ikenfell. Unfortunately, some points prevent the title from becoming really unmissable or extremely memorable. The biggest problems are the structure of the narrative and the unbalanced challenge of the confrontations, but the overall package appeals to several points, such as its visuals, soundtrack, striking story and unique battle system.

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3 / 10.0 - Prehistoric Dude
Oct 21, 2020

Prehistoric Dude is a short and uninteresting adventure, where much of your time is spent walking over bushes trying to see enemies. Jumping through obstacles, the limited combat and te repetitive exploration are never intriguing or rewarding. The visuals and the soundtrack also do not deliver any particular positive points. The title is not horrible in itself, but it definitely fails to be interesting in almost 100% of its aspects.

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Nov 17, 2020

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin is a really unique game. The end result may not have reached a certain level of exceptional quality, but the attempt to do something new has certainly reached its goal. As much as the central mechanics are bound to become tiring, it manages to blend two very different genres with mastery, and this is something very worthy of respect. If you like farm simulators, action platforms or simply indies who are not afraid to invent their own formula, Sakuna is a good option.

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6 / 10.0 - Star Renegades
Nov 28, 2020

I tried very hard to enjoy my time with Star Renegades on the Nintendo Switch, but the game itself kept me from moving forward steadily. It is a pity that such a different and well thought out title, with excellent dialogues, a deep and layered combat, great art and soundtrack is such a bad experience on our beloved hybrid console.

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4 / 10.0 - WarriOrb
Dec 13, 2020

Warriorb sins at the point that I consider most central in a video game, entertainment. The game is not only not fun, but also not pleasant to look at, hear or play. The feeling of spending my time in this world was like buying a game just for the cover, just to regret it bitterly after 10 minutes. Even so, amid the mistakes, stumbles and bumps of this unpleasant environment, something still remains in the memory. I believe the idea of a challenging platform game focused on more "realistic" ball physics is quite interesting, but the title has failed to make it work.

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