Jordan Helm

252 games reviewed
69.3 average score
70 median score
42.5% of games recommended
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1.5 / 5.0 - Babylon's Fall
Mar 7, 2022

Anyone who's been keeping tabs may not be all that surprised to find Square Enix once again in a precarious spot that is in part baffling but more so predictable given recent history.

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Feb 28, 2022

For some, what you make of Shadow Warrior 3 may well be influenced by the comparisons one draws from the prior 2016 entrant.

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3 / 5.0 - Sifu
Feb 6, 2022

When taken as but a sampling of the entire experience, there does still linger some joy to savor in the combat and manner of challenge posed in Sifu. Set-pieces that unashamedly kick off with questions being asked and players put on the back-foot, even if said sequences never evolve beyond such basic a pitch as clearing out groups of foes.

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Jan 18, 2022

If one were being picky, you could argue Drinkbox's focus this time on repeated dungeon-crawling may not have the same wow factor the studio's past projects have garnered on first glance.

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3 / 5.0 - White Shadows
Dec 7, 2021

The amount of criticism dished out here may paint a negative picture, but White Shadows is by no means a terrible product and so evidently houses a clear visual style and competent-enough execution of puzzle-platforming.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Exo One
Nov 18, 2021

It's a mystery on whether you can deem it a positive or a negative that if you were to take away its meager narrative implications, Exo One would still be the exact same game.

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4 / 5.0 - ElecHead
Nov 6, 2021

Even in the context of notably high-quality "short" games of this year, ElecHead's three-to-four run-time and sparse replayability may look like it doesn't do the game any favors in convincing you this is a run-time to bother investing in.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Demon Turf
Nov 3, 2021

Despite its missed opportunities and ideas that don't gel with the core gameplay, developer Fabraz's foray into three-dimensional platforming remains a fun-if-flawed hearkening to the genre's glory days.

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Oct 21, 2021

The weak attempt at narration or storytelling on the basis of its animation may be off-putting, but toss its lacking narration (and hard-to-hear audio) to the side and what you're left with is a puzzle game with a charming-enough gimmick that's just as much about substance as it is style.

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2.5 / 5.0 - The Good Life
Oct 18, 2021

While the daily ongoings of Rainy Woods and its surrounding environment can rustle up a brief oddity or two, Swery and co's latest round of eccentric antics with The Good Life sadly doesn't go far enough in its set-up to feel all that compelling.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Metroid Dread
Oct 11, 2021

For as long as the Metroid series has existed in both 2D and 3D planes, it has long been held that Retro Studios are the only team outside of Nintendo to have approached Metroid with such admirable care and passion for the series, while at the same time understanding how best to build on the foundation.

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Sep 30, 2021

The idea that ACE Team's less-appealing efforts are those that feel too conformed to expectation best surmises why The Eternal Cylinder is as successful a new IP for the Chilean studio as it is.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Lost Judgment
Sep 16, 2021

Coming away from any title in the Yakuza universe, to remark glowingly about its story and all the many characters and spots of exposition that entails, has become somewhat of a given.

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3 / 5.0 - Aragami 2
Sep 15, 2021

Arguably one of the original Aragami's greatest strengths, it's nice to see Lince Works broaden the scope of their level design.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Recompile
Sep 6, 2021

On the surface, Recompile might look and sound like an interesting, potentially unique, proposal.

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3.5 / 5.0 - WRC 10
Aug 31, 2021

Even in its most tepid of opportune changes, WRC 10 still finds ways to vex and test in ways that are both punishing but enjoyable to see through.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Cris Tales
Aug 22, 2021

For a game so favorably-regarded and closely-monitored in its build-up to release, it's hard to shake off the minor disappointment and frustrations that Cris Tales generates in its final form.

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Aug 11, 2021

Though there may be a whopping fourteen year gap between the first and second game, NEO: The World Ends With You makes easy work of slipping into the role of seemingly-direct follow-up to the events prior.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Eldest Souls
Jul 31, 2021

Without the unique interpretation and translation of combat, Fallen Flag should already take comfort in the knowledge that their crafted series of boss fights are at least visually and mechanically-attractive enough to warrant a punishing trudge through to the credits screen.

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3.5 / 5.0 - The Forgotten City
Jul 27, 2021

Clearly The Forgotten City is a game that speaks to those who revel in conversation. Those RPG fans who’d prefer not to fight or lash out, but converse and take a more steady, expository approach to finding a solution. It’s no exaggeration to say that the mythos Modern Storyteller both utilize and borrow from here is both surprising and satisfying with where it ends up heading. And while the narrative’s conclusion can come off too immersion-breaking or plain ridiculous for one’s taste, the caliber of writing for the most part is no less impressive for a game of this physical scale.

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