Fuga: Melodies of Steel

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Critic Reviews for Fuga: Melodies of Steel
Fuga: Melodies of Steel is a tactical Jrpg with extraordinary emotional power, capable of telling the story of war in a unique and charming scenario.
Review in Italian | Read full review
That’s not to say it’s going to appeal to everyone. Its deceptively simple gameplay won’t likely appeal to a more action-oriented and straightforward mindset. Likewise, the cute animal children might be a difficult taste to swallow for those who prefer their drama to be between hairless bags of flesh and chemicals. However, there’s a thoughtful earnestness to Fuga: Melodies of Steel that should really connect with anyone whose soul hasn’t been used as ammunition.
Balancing excellent strategic gameplay with great writing and a tank-full of heart, Fuga: Melodies of Steel continues the excellent track record of the Little Tail Bronx series. A set of great characters, beautiful visuals and excellent music precede an emotional journey through a war-torn world through the eyes of a group entirely unprepared for the choices they will have to make. This won't be for everyone by any means, but what is here was clearly made with a lot of care.
FUGA: Melodies of Steel cuts through the bleakness of its setting with heartwarming characters and childlike optimism, although its punishing turn-based tactical play may force you into gut-wrenching perma-death situations. FUGA is an underrated gem, and deserves the attention of JRPG fans everywhere.
Its not often that you find such a dark and adult story wrapped up in such a whimsical and beautiful package, this one could be a contender for RPG of the year.
Fuga: Melodies Of Steel is a tricky game to review. It’s likely not what anyone is looking for. Not only is it different gameplay-wise from the other Little Tail Bronx games, but its linearity will also turn off many RPG fans. What it is though, is very good. CyberConnect2 certainly achieved their vision with this strange adventure. Though Fuga’s audience may be extremely niche, those who play it, without expectations, will be in for a treat.
Fuga: Melodies of Steel is a role-playing game focused on storytelling and combat, cutting out usually fundamental elements like exploration: an atypical but successful recipe, drawing strength from a cast of young heroes that are impossible not to love.
Review in Italian | Read full review
As it stands, Fuga: Melodies of Steel is pretty good, but it falls a bit short of greatness. It toys with some really interesting ideas but ultimately failed to fully capitalize on them. Even so, I did enjoy my time with it and look forward to giving it another go here in a few months when it's a bit more removed from my memory. If you're looking for a fairly short (about 15 hours) turn-based RPG experience, you can certainly do a lot worse, though I'd recommend waiting for a sale.