Blaster Master Zero III

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Blaster Master Zero III Trailers
Blaster Master Zero 3 - Gameplay Trailer
Blaster Master Zero 3 - Announcement Trailer
Critic Reviews for Blaster Master Zero III
As the conclusion to the modern take on the Blaster Master saga, Blaster Master Zero 3 hits all the notes it needs to deliver a high octane and satisfying retro platforming experience. The dark world mechanic adds a nice extra layer to the overall design, while the familiar aspects of gameplay are as polished as they've ever been. Inti Creates certainly could've stopped with the original Blaster Master Zero and that would've been enough, but what it's delivered here with its third take on the franchise is nothing short of excellent. Whenever you next get a chance, be sure to add this one to your library, although we'd say so with the caveat that you should first play the preceding two entries. Really, these games are just that good.
Despite some gripes, the legacy of this trilogy is fully secure. Inti Creates can kind of keep making these types of platformers indefinitely, and I’d keep playing them.
A thrilling 2D platforming/action hybrid, with plenty of weapons and tech at your disposal to help you restore order to the Blaster Master universe.
Blaster Master Zero 3 heavily expects its audience to have played the first two titles in the modern Blaster Master series, so it's hard not to bring them up when writing about the former. Small localisation errors and a couple of obtuse navigation moments aside, it is the most polished title in the series, and long-time fans, plus people who grew up with the NES, will appreciate the added challenge. It's never too hard to tackle, however, although it's commitment to being "retro" can be a double-edged sword in some instances, like when a death can be blamed on unintentionally sticking to a wall and then sliding down into an abyss. The gameplay loop is just as fun as it ever was, though, so more of that can't ever be a bad thing. It might get ignored for being the third instalment, or not seeming as fresh as the next retro indie darling that's hot for this week, but it really shouldn't be. This is bona fide retro goodness at its finest. Blaster Master 4Ever!
If you're a fan of the classic Blaster Master games but hate the hair pulling difficulty, this modern take will still offer an enjoyable challenge and is easy to recommend. Should you be a returning fan, don't wait to take one last ride into the Sunsoft sunset, or maybe I should call it the sunset Sunsoft?
Blaster Master Zero 3 is a rewarding and memorable conclusion to an epic trilogy of incredible games.
Overall, fans of metroidvanias, 2D platformers and 3D action adventures will have plenty to look forward to even if you’ve never dipped your toes into the world of Blaster Master Zero. For returning fans? The finale is worth it and the upgrades to previous systems and the addition of new ones was just simply fun.