NERF Legends Reviews

NERF Legends is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Travis Northup
Top Critic
2 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2021

Nerf Legends is a broken, painful slog that you shouldn't even consider playing as a joke.

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Lee Mehr
Top Critic
1.5 / 10.0
Dec 27, 2021

Apropos of the brand, NERF Legends has no punch.

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4.3 / 10.0
Nov 19, 2021

Licensed games are notorious for being hit or miss, though I'd say more often than not there's a struggle games have to properly capture the essence of the thing they're tied to...

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Jan 17, 2022

Nerf Legends is an FPS shooter that fails to hit the target. Despite being based on the iconic foam dart firing toys it’s sad to say that this is not a title that lives up to its expectations. Without multiplayer and a relatively dull single-player experience, I am afraid that if it is “Nerf or nothing” then I choose “nothing”.

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1 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2022

Nerf Legends colossally fails as a product, game, or anything else it tried to be. It can't even be enjoyable or dumb enough to at least be funny. It wouldn't even be worth it if it was free to play. And if it was, maybe it had a chance because of the multiplayer. It's even a bad advertising for a cool toy that exists in the real world.

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Top Critic
3 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2021

Just about everything about the release of this game baffles me. it’s a completely unoriginal arena shooter with subpar shooting mechanics, uninspired visuals, insufficient performance, a multiplayer player base that was already virtually dead on launch week, and a painfully monotonous single-player campaign that almost feels like an extended tutorial.

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