Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - Fatesworn

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - Fatesworn Media
Critic Reviews for Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - Fatesworn
While some aspects of the story are a little forgettable, if you enjoyed the original Kingdoms of Amalur then it's a fairly safe bet that you'll get some enjoyment out of this expansion. Being reunited with old friends and hearing that they still have the same voice actors is definitely a really nice touch. The new chaos features don't massively change the gameplay but having a raised level cap means that there's even more reason to experiment with your character build and enjoy the fun combat.
We're not sure every Amalur fan will appreciate Fatesworn's central storyline. It's nothing crazy — Fate, meet Chaos! — but you could argue that the developer is a little sloppy in its handling of the game's established cast and lore. But for what it's worth, we do think Fatesworn is heartfelt — a genuine homage to a game that would have been undeservedly forgotten, had it not been for THQ and Kaiko's efforts.
With a less memorable story, and a short campaign that still feels longer than it needed to be, Fatesworn is a victory lap for hardcore Amalur fans who want to spend more time in its world. While it does not live up to the original, Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning: Fatesworn is still enjoyable, which is a testament to just how well the combat and systems of Amalur hold up today.
With an engaging story, amazing lore and worldbuilding that fit nicely with what has been established in the main campaign, and a huge number of new well-crafted additions, ranging from a new location to new mechanics, new enemy types, and gear, Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - Fatesworn is a great way to end the story that started back in 2012 and a very good reason to journey back to Amalur one more time. The new content doesn't stray too far from what we have already seen, however, so only those who did fall to the dated charms of the base game will find it truly worthwhile.
It is hard to articulate just how detrimental the Chaos Portal section of Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - Fatesworn is to the rest of the new content. Until those portals opened this felt like a story worthy of Amalur, with a few twists and turns and Agarth acting a fool (as is tradition). Then the brakes were pumped, and I was buried in purple Chaos energy for far, far too long in the main arc. If there's one lesson I hope any prospective sequel developers take from this big adventure, it's this: leave the Chaos Portals out of this and just make the game you know you can make. As the rest of the adventure proves, the Amalur franchise can still hold its weight.
Despite some cut corners and undercooked elements, Fatesworn is a solid addition to Kingdoms of Amalur Re-Reckoning. For completionists only.
At $20, Fatesworn offers a strong enough great to bland ratio for me to recommend. I thought the DLC felt a little formulaic, with a lot of boxes checked and not a lot of fresh creativity and inspiration, but, I adore Kingdoms of Amalur and was happy to dive into a new area with new content. Fatesworn will provide a solid ten hours, if not more, depending on the difficulty you’re playing on, your skill, and just how thorough you want to be. Given that you have to have completed the original (long) game to access this new content, Fatesworn is clearly for fans who enjoyed the original gameplay loop and want more of the same. If that’s you, like it was me, Fatesworn was worth the wait. Here’s hoping THQ Nordic keeps Amalur in their future plans.
Kaiko's expansion seems fated to be compared to a dedicated, earnest, and haphazardly-designed fan mod.