Jagged Alliance 3 Reviews

Jagged Alliance 3 is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Checkpoint Gaming
Checkpoint Staff
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2023

If you're a turn-based strategy fan, the combat in Jagged Alliance 3 is not to be missed. Thanks to the game's varied mercenary stats, it's easy to put together a team that aligns well with your preferred personal play style and the game's combat mechanics are accessible yet suspenseful, thanks to the absence of a precise percentage-to-hit chance. While the game's dialogue feels naff in places and could've been executed better overall, it's a small price to pay for the high level of entertaining battles. And if that's your thing, Jagged Alliance 3 is sure to deliver.

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Jul 18, 2023

There’s a kind of scrappy, desperate feeling to a firefight in Jagged Alliance 3. Hits to the arms reduce accuracy, and damage to the legs impedes movement. Cover can be destroyed. Losing line-of-sight allows your merc to re-enter Sneak Mode and return to surprise the enemy. Saving a couple of AP to drop into a prone position at the end of a turn can be the difference between seeing the next turn or bleeding out. Yet, despite all this tactical granularity, the successful play is often a matter of running around the cover the enemy is hiding behind and shooting them in the back. Assuming you don’t miss, of course.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2023

Solid strategy and customization make Jagged Alliance 3 a good time for tactical RPG fans, if you can stomach the irreverent tone.

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Jul 18, 2023

Despite rough edges and a steep learning curve, the tactical series returns in force with Jagged Alliance 3.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2023

This is not a perfect game, but it certainly is an extremely successful continuation of the legend from 1999. If you are fans of Jagged Alliance 2 and were quietly waiting for a modernized version of the game, part three will definitely meet your expectations.

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85 / 100
Jul 13, 2023

Starting with a few hiccups, Jagged Alliance 3 quickly becomes a very good way to spend one's time and just doesn't loosen the grip until you finish it. Sometimes not even then.

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4 / 5.0
Jul 13, 2023

Jagged Alliance 3 is a versatile strategy RPG, packed with personality and entertainment. You really have an opportunity to overcome tactical problems with your own personalized approach without being forced into playing a certain way. Any hardened SRPG mercenaries looking to take on a challenging but rewarding contract will definitely enjoy spending countless hours delving into the jungles of Gran Chien.

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Jul 17, 2023

Jagged Alliance 3 brings back the franchise's classic blend of strategy and RPG gameplay, with a distinctly millennial aesthetic and feel. All the while, the game plays like a modern game, incorporating the best elements of the past and the present to make a worthy successor that fans will love.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2023

Jagged Alliance 3 takes a familiar yet improved-upon turn-based experience, a unique resource management system, 4x-Lite strategy and a satirical setting bursting with character and tosses them all together. While the turn-based combat isn’t going to be everyone’s favorite aspect of the game, it is easy to say that Jagged Alliance 3 hits way more than it misses and offers plenty more for players to enjoy.

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