The Last Guardian Reviews

The Last Guardian is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Evan Norris
Top Critic
Dec 15, 2016

In a year defined by dozens of great gaming experiences, The Last Guardian stands tall above them all.

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Dec 15, 2016

For decades now, there's been discussion of games as art, and what qualifies or what doesn't, but in my view, art simply has to provoke discussion, emotion or analysis. If one game qualifies for that, it would be The Last Guardian.

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4 / 5
Dec 14, 2016

The Last Guardian is a game that's going to give back to you what you put into it. At its 10-15 hours play time, I don't think it is a game that can be tackled lightly or by the only mildly interested. It requires an investment in the core relationship between the boy and Trico as well as some patience, both with the beast and the game's technical issues. This is an incredible experience and one that isn't for everyone, but those that embrace it may find something deeply rewarding, emotional, and memorable.

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5 / 5
Dec 12, 2016

The Last Guardian offers something different and contrasts the hand-holding nature and ease-of-progression that modern titles offer. Despite all its issues, The Last Guardian stands as a bastion of what video games used to be in-terms of progression, combined with an animal so imposing, mythical and mesmerising that its a wonder how they managed to make it so lifelike. The Last Guardian won't be to everyone's tastes, but you should go out of your way to experience it for yourself.

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9.8 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2016

The Last Guardian is well worth the wait! The storyline is compelling and grips you right from the beginning. The characters are endearing, taking on lives of their own as they form a bond that is the heart and soul of the story. The gameplay is challenging but fair, the visuals are absolutely cinematic, and the game is one that can be replayed over and over without losing any of its charm. Any fan of the previous games will adore this addition to the series, and newcomers can easily find their roots in the series within The Last Guardian.

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9.2 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2016

Ueda has worked on a game that's not perfect, but it's purposely not perfect… which ironically just about makes it a perfect experience. If you have a heart it's going to pull on all those strings, be prepared. Ueda is truly the last guardian of pure gaming 'feels' of our time.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2016

The Last Guardian certainly feels like a masterpiece that will gamers will look back to. While it might not be everyone's cup of tea, it's a unique game that that everyone should try to experience.

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Jan 11, 2017

Just like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, many will grow fond of and be inspired by The Last Guardian for years to come. It's a fairy tale that pulls on the heart strings with a whimsical world, provoking childlike wonder at every corner. After being in the stream of development for so long, it surfaces with dings and wear in the form of an unrefined camera and controls. Some unclear objectives and strange puzzles may be evident as well, but with a profoundly intriguing and lovable AI companion, stirring score, and captivating scenery and animation, it's easy to see why this anachronistic anomaly was far too unique and precious to stay under forever.

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Jovem Nerd
Marina Val
Dec 7, 2016

Se você espera há muito tempo por The Last Guardian, não existe motivo para desistir agora. Ele faz especialmente sentido para quem jogou games da era do PS2 e talvez tenha mais leniência com deslizes e problemas técnicos que eram recorrentes naquela época. Saiba apenas que a jornada terá muitas frustrações, mas um final que vale a pena bem no fim do horizonte.

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Dec 11, 2016
The Last Guardian REVIEW (PS4) video thumbnail
3.5 / 5.0
Dec 9, 2016

Despite the myriad issues that crop up to mar the experience, when everything is going off without a hitch The Last Guardian is a breathtaking adventure that deserves to be played. It's just a shame the many beautiful moments found within this package are buried under some antiquated and ill-conceived mechanics that make much of this 12-hour journey feel more like work than play. Still, if you're willing to weather the storm in order to witness one of the more touching tales to ever grace the medium, The Last Guardian is worth adding to your collection.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jan 9, 2017

While the story and emotional aspects of The Last Guardian are outstanding, they're regularly hampered by gameplay issues.

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Dec 12, 2016
The Last Guardian - Review video thumbnail
9 / 10.0
Jan 6, 2017

From the creators of ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, and after many development problems, The Last Guardian is finally among us. A game that follows the same path of the aforementioned games, it pays honor to the creative mind of Fumito Ueda and it will not disappoint it's fans in any way. A dreamy, sentimental, magical journey. Must-play.

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9.8 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2016

I've been waiting for this day to come with the hopes of The Last Guardian's success and that it wouldn't disappoint me, and I'm glad that it didn't. It may not have the most compelling story and has some struggles to hit a stable 30FPS, but the bond of Trico and the Boy alongside its artistic game design and core gameplay mechanics makes The Last Guardian one of the most exciting cinematic experiences next to Uncharted 4. It's a breathtaking adventure and a beautiful work of art!

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 21, 2017

Prepare your handkerchiefs, because from this point on, the matter is serious. We approach the final chapter of history, and we prefer not to tell you anything.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2016

The Last Guardian is the game we needed in 2016

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9 / 10
Dec 5, 2016

For all of the expectation, all of the hype, and all of the anticipation, The Last Guardian is a wonderful game. Infusing the best elements of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, Fumito Ueda and his team have created something gloriously unique, with unparalleled ambition that has been realised almost perfectly. If you don't find yourself falling head over heels for Trico, then there's something wrong with you. Whilst there are a few moments in the game that do make it feel slightly dated, and the frame rate dips here and there, the scope, narrative and sheer beauty elevate this above anything that Team Ico have put out before. Does it live up to the impossible hype? To me, it comes exceptionally close.

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Jan 6, 2017

Even pre-release, The Last Guardian received some flack for feeling like a holdover from a console cycle left in the past. Does it feel like a thing from the previous generation? When it’s this special, there isn’t a single good reason to even care.

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Mar 23, 2017

Despite some of its problems, The Last Guardian has some of the most emotionally gripping and powerful gaming moments in a video game I have ever had the privilege to have experienced and have played. Some reviewers have described it as a flop 10 years in the making, I view it as a flawed masterpiece. So if you have between 8-10 hours to spend I can highly recommend The Last Guardian as it is a video game experience you won’t be forgetting anytime soon.

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