Horizon Chase 2 Reviews

Horizon Chase 2 is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5.5 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2023

An entertaining game but with a great lack of content, very repetitive and with a multiplayer that does not add much to the experience.

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Sep 25, 2023

Ultimately there is nothing mind-blowing about Horizon Chase 2, but there also really isn't anything negative either. The only drawback is that there isn't more of it, as the game is pretty quick to complete at roughly eight hours for the entire World Tour unless played on high difficulties that make it harder to progress. Horizon Chase 2 simply feels like a fun game that is perfect at giving a nostalgic feel of a 90s arcade racer, but with much better graphics to smooth it out.

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4.5 / 5.0
Sep 26, 2023

Horizon Chase 2 is, in its most distilled form, the perfect modern arcade racer. Its mechanics are scaled back but refined, the drop-in/drop-out multiplayer works well and never fails to excite, and the game has just enough customization to make every racer feel at home behind the wheel. While I’d love to see some more cheeky references thrown in to add to the fun and the game could certainly benefit from some DLC tracks down the road, it’s nevertheless filled to the brim with a charm and a love-letter to classic coin-op racers that’ll keep fans coming back for a long while. If arcades were still around and prevalent, Horizon Chase 2 would be my cabinet of choice any day of the week.

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9.5 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2023

Horizon Chase 2 is the evolution that the franchise deserved. The sequel features visuals with more elaborate effects, successfully implements online multiplayer that the original did not have and improves vehicle configuration with better use of coins earned in races. Looking forward to the next projects from the Brazilians at Aquiris.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Sep 28, 2023

However, these less good little notes to retain do not detract from the essentials of a game that takes up the spirit of arcade racing classics. The music by Barry Leich is admirable, with rhythms and sonorities that fit well into the environment and that magma of contrasting colors, a remarkable kaleidoscope. In the background the game maintains a rotation of challenges, with new tests and challenges that need to be visited beyond the world tour. The satisfaction of being able to challenge other players online at any time is also remarkable. In short, a fun game to play anywhere on these mild summer days, especially with a network connection.

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85 / 100
Sep 24, 2023

Horizon Chase 2 is a fantastic sequel that improves on all aspects necessary of its predecessor. It's simply fantastic arcade how I love it. There are just a few technical shortcomings on Nintendo Switch.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 19, 2023

This is the best kind of sequel. Horizon Chase 2 is the kind of game that makes its predecessor look and feel obsolete in comparison, with vastly better graphics, AI, tracks, and controls. It might not exactly have a lot of cars for you to choose, but there is still so much content in here that complaining about it almost feels like an annoying nitpick. Aquiris has clearly managed to outdo themselves, with this game being one of the best retro-styled racers available in any console or PC right now.

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90 / 100
Sep 18, 2023

If it's not broken, don't fix it, that's what they must have thought at the Aquiris Game Studio offices. New vehicles, new circuits, minimal changes, the most notable being the omission of fuel management and the visual facelift, and all the fun and arcade sensation that they already offered us with the first one. Horizon Chase 2 is not going to surprise you, but if you liked the first one it is a safe bet.

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