Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes Reviews

Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2024

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is a beautiful JRPG from beginning to end. It captures the wonder of discovery and adventure in every scene, with an added dose of tension as you navigate the complexities of a nation at war. Still, much of the weight has been removed from the player to the point where it feels like the entire experience is on autopilot and you're simply participating when it wants you to, like in a boss battle or environmental puzzle. That said, if I look at this game through the lens of it being Murayama-san's adventure and not mine, I'm just happy that he allowed me to accompany him on this path. While it's a brilliant showcasing of retro meets modern, there are areas to improve, and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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IGN Korea
Top Critic
10 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2024

Another great title with immersive classic JRPG roots. Players will be busy with their hearts being engulfed with a tsunami of emotions when the game’s protagonists with all differences in races, culture and relationships eventually come together as one to share an ultimate goal. Players must build cities and defend against waves of invasions which brings enough motivation to show that even heroes still need everyone’s support to grow and be strong. Truly motivating once the players understand that maintaining positive relationships with other adventurers is key to advance forward in their journey. The 2.5D-esque graphics paired with dynamic action camera work is surely eye-candy and the sound design that focuses on epic 1-on-1 duels will be music to every gamers’ ears.

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