Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser

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Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser Media
Critic Reviews for Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser
Even with a few stories left unresolved and a lack of new loot to drive me to explore its relatively narrow world, it was great saying goodbye to my friends and getting a sneak peek at what might yet be ahead for the denizens of Thedas.
Endings are difficult, but Trespasser shows that BioWare can get them right. The DLC is allowed to tell its own tale while better rounding off Inquisition's own, and at the same time set up story threads for the future. It acts as a fitting farewell to its cast of characters but also a prologue to where the Dragon Age world may head next.
A worthy end to Dragon Age: Inquisition. A lengthy quest with a satisfying pay-off makes up for some unimaginative encounters.
A little rushed and a little clumsy, but ultimately well-intentioned and welcome.
A common complaint about previous Inquisition DLC was that it didn't add anything to the main story, that it had no consequence. Not so here, where consequences abound.
With "Trespasser," Dragon Age: Inquisition feels complete. Players get a chance to spend a little more time with the wonderful cast, and get a glimpse into what the members of the Inquisition will be doing next, making "Trespasser" a fitting send off to one of Bioware's best.
Nevertheless for this Dragon Age fan Trespasser was a hugely satisfying end to Inquisition, and the final choice alone will have huge ramifications. Roll on Dragon Age 4.