Knight Squad Reviews

Knight Squad is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3 / 5.0
Nov 25, 2015

Judging a primarily multiplayer title always comes with a caveat. Chainsawesome has developed a game of excellent fundamentals that, under ideal conditions, could provide endless hours of fast-paced, chaotic fun. The lack of meaningful content for the single player is not a major issue – this is not a title meant for gaming's recluses. With already shaky matchmaking, and the chances of regularly rounding up four or five spare Xbox controllers (let alone willing playmates) in the same living room rather slim, however, some of Knight Squad's potential is sadly squandered.

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6 / 10
Nov 18, 2015

For simplistic multiplayer fun, Knight Squad is up for the job, even if there are a couple of kinks in its armor that players may have to look past.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

There's no shortage of cool party games these days, and Knight Squad stands among them. It's not something I see myself returning to time and time again like some of its peers, but I got a kick out its accessible, action-packed multiplayer. If you're coming along for the ride, be sure to bring friends.

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6 / 10.0
Jun 27, 2020

Ultimately, Knight Squad simply does not have the quality of gameplay to take full advantage of its impressive list of modes. A complete experience could have left a mark, but nobody will be knighting Knight Squad when all is said and done.

Nov 15, 2015

If you're looking for pure arcade action that's a blast to play locally, Knight Squad is worth checking out. There's a ton of modes to keep things varied, and the chaotic pace is perfect for party play.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2020

As far as party games go, Knight Squad has more going for it than you'd expect at first glance. It's accessible, it's frenetic, and it's fun. The lack of online multiplayer and a worthwhile single-player mode will be easily overlooked when you've got your personal squad of knights seeking battle in your living room.

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Nov 12, 2015

Knight Squad is a fun distraction to play with friends, but there's nothing for the single-player lone knight to sink their sword into.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Nov 24, 2015

Knight Squad can become nail-bitingly tense at times, but it doesn't dampen the fun

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7 / 10
Feb 19, 2019

To sum it all up, I highly recommend Knight Squad.

Top Critic
5 / 10
Nov 16, 2015

Knight Squad may bore many who want a solid standalone game to experience, but certainly stands on its own merits by being an enjoyable multiplayer title. The mechanics work well and don't require too much reflex, as the hit-box of other players is very large, making it so any player has a fair chance at winning. Ultimately, Knight Squad is a decent arcade multiplayer game that will be amusing for a while, but quickly becomes boring after a short amount of time. King and royalty, however, should look elsewhere for a more entertaining tournament.

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Nov 25, 2015

I really enjoyed Knight Squad and have to say the gameplay was nostalgic for me having played Bomberman a bit in the past. Additionally the game looks great visually and offers a nice variety of game modes for you and your friends to get stuck into one night.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 5, 2020

I’ll just put it right out there, while I love the spirit of the movement to bring back local co-op games and the part the Switch has to play in it reviewing the average title in the space can be brutal...

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Sep 23, 2016

A 2D top-down boss rush game with a bunch of cool multiplayer modes is a really good idea, but Knight Squad is not a good execution on that idea. The game misses the mark on several key aspects of gameplay creating a really unappealing mess of a game, even for $14.99.

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