Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright Reviews

Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2014

Chances are, if you’ve never picked up a Professor Layton or a Phoenix Wright game, you’ll have little to no interest in this crossover. But for those who have only played one, you’ll find plenty of joy in Professor Layton vs.

Apr 8, 2014

It's not that the game fails to offer something compelling; I sit there and take any individual piece of what went on in Professor Layton Vs. Phoenix Wright, and I liked it. It's just that the attempt to mesh two very different kinds of games together without any real attempt to adjust how either plays simply doesn't work as well as it should on paper.

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Adam Riley
Top Critic
9 / 10
May 26, 2014

The culmination of this special coming together of the Ace Attorney series from Capcom and Level-5's Professor Layton world is a magical one indeed. Fusing together the fundamental elements of both titles for Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney works seamlessly and the combination of characters working as partners in each other's usual settings is truly joyous to behold. What is more, having Shu Takumi back on-board is definitely telling as some sublime new courtroom techniques are introduced that most definitely need to remain for future Ace Attorney titles, whilst Akihiro Hino's traditional Professor Layton game engine is as smooth as ever. Hopefully this is the first of many crossovers between Messrs. Wright and Layton.

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Aug 14, 2014

A successful combination of both Layton and Wright. Maybe a little lengthy for its own good, with a story that could have ended a couple of hours earlier, it is nevertheless a great celebration of both series.

8.5 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2014

In the end, there’s a magical quality to this game’s blend of ingredients that makes some of its minor faults seem insignificant.

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68 / 100
Sep 4, 2014

As a system built for story delivery, everything just works beautifully.

Sep 9, 2014

If you have a knack for visual novels, puzzles, and contradictions, then Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was made for you! Fans of both series will feel right at home, as the game is faithful to each character’s style of gameplay. Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney may not live up to the hype we’ve given it after all these years, but it’s still a great game that celebrates both franchises well.

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Aug 28, 2014

What could've been a simple cash-grab is a great mash-up of two great franchises. Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright does its best to bring both sides together in a brand-new setting. More importantly, the game feels like it stays true to the core of both series while also setting a new high bar in presentation. The game favors Wright more than Layton, but fans of both will find something fun here.