Disney Art Academy Reviews

Disney Art Academy is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
May 13, 2016

The latest Art Academy title arrives, throwing in the ability to draw iconic Disney characters. It's a solid and soothing way to kill time, but is a little basic in its delivery.

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8 / 10
Aug 14, 2016

Disney Art Academy is a solid and inviting way to learn the fundamentals of artistic techniques. There's a real attraction in learning how to master these iconic characters – and while this title may primarily appeal to kids, there's certainly a lot to love here for grown-ups ready to supplement their adult colouring books with something that covers earlier steps in the creative process. The tools on offer may not be of the highest fidelity thanks to outdated hardware, but they are intelligently crafted to be more than adequate for exploring creativity or sparking a love of art. That's a net-win in our book.

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8 / 10.0
May 27, 2016

Post Arcade's junior reviewer claims that Nintendo's latest art game can really improve your drawing skills – so long as you stick with it

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73 / 100
May 24, 2016

Ultimately, Disney Art Academy does exactly what it promises to do on the back of the box.

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3.5 / 5.0
May 24, 2016

Like Pokemon Art Academy before it, Disney Art Academy works as a solid learning tool for folks who want to learn how to draw by using characters from Disney and Pixar. The stylus interface can have some niggles with accuracy and the screen size can feel constricting. Overall, however, it’s a great way to get the basics down for drawing and painting.

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May 11, 2016

Disney Art Academy has a rather involved and in-depth toolset, but its slow pace may bore people who give it a chance. Kids who love to draw and would relish the opportunity to learn how to sketch Disney/Pixar characters while on the go, will surely find it of interest, though.

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6.7 / 10.0
Jul 22, 2016

Disney Art Academy will not make you a skilled cartoonist. It is a product designed for the little ones, with clear and simple tutorials that can make the game attractive and widely accessible for anyone. The software is carefully developed: in the hands of children, the Disney Magic will make a remedy for any lack.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 18, 2016

That’s really it — you draw Disney characters. As such, this will work for die-hard adult Disney fans, but is best suited for children with long car rides in their future. It’ll be engaging and involving childhood heroes, making it hard to fail.

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3.5 / 5.0
Jul 31, 2016

Disney Art Academy is not a game perse but rather an interactive paint program for the Nintendo 3DS that uses the intuitive interface of this console in teaching the player a variety of techniques and different drawing tools. However as its based in the Disney and Pixar universe, this will grab younger fans who love the various franchises created by these companies. Thankfully it’s quite an easy to use program that will keep younger gamers coming back for me.

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Jul 28, 2016

The ability to learn how to draw Donald Duck of Princess Jasmine easily makes this the most nostalgic and entertaining Art Academy product that Nintendo has produced to date.

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Aug 11, 2016

Mit der Disney Art Academy ist im Grunde ein typisches Nintendo-Produkt mit all seinen bekannten Vor- und Nachteilen erschienen. Damit meine ich, dass mich die Geschwätzigkeit des Tutorials mit seiner Vielzahl an Textboxen an jeden anderen Titel erinnert, in dem anstelle von Sprache immer wieder auf die Schriftform gesetzt wird. Jeder kleine Pinselstrich wird in epischer Breite erklärt. Dies ist zwar nicht uninteressant, kann aber auch nerven. Ansonsten erfindet die Art Academy das Rad nicht neu, sondern ergänzt die erprobte Formel um die Figuren aus dem Disney- und Pixar-Universum. Sie sind dann allerdings auch das größte Pfund, mit dem das digitale Malprogramm am Ende zu punkten vermag. Immerhin hat wahrscheinlich jeder irgendwann in seinem Leben eine der Figuren aus Toy Story und Co. in sein Herz geschlossen. Auch die Bedienung geht komfortabel von der Hand und die Palette an Werkzeugen kann sich sehen lassen. Für die kleine Kritzelei am Abend oder Unterwegs bieten sich die Lektionen an. In ihnen werde ich im ausreichenden Maße an die Hand genommen, wodurch sich meine künstlerischen Fertigkeit lediglich auf das akurate ausmalen der vorgezeichneten Formen beschränkt. Für mich war das vollkommen OK. Alle anderen überspringen diesen Teil und stürzen sich sofort in den Freistil.

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