Inside Reviews

Inside is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
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Matt C.
Top Critic
Sep 8, 2016

I’m sure others will (and already have) find meaning in Inside. There’ll be fascinating, insightful deconstructions and I look forward to reading them. There’s a wealth of praise for the game already. It’s clearly spoken to a lot of people, but it didn’t speak to me – except, perhaps, to berate me for not being smart enough to understand what it’s trying to say.

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Tom Matthews
Top Critic
10 / 10
Jul 28, 2016

Whilst it may not be perfect, let's be honest, nothing ever is. Inside does have a few issues here and there with the story, but I don't care, the whole experience is an absolute gaming pleasure. Whilst it may not be a game that appeals to everyone and have a rather niche target market, those who love this genre will indeed, love this game.

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Jordan Hurst
Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 11, 2016

Calling INSIDE merely a "worthy successor" would be doing it a disservice. It's not just great relative to its sibling; it's great, period. Its cinematic, artistic, and structural techniques have set a new standard for 2D platformers to be measured against. It's possible that in the future, someone will piece together its occasionally disparate story elements into a more meaningful whole, which would likely make it one of the best games of all time. For now, it is "only" one of the best games of the year, an arresting journey, and a solid puzzler.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 9, 2016

If you’re looking for something different, PLAYDEAD’s 8-10 hour offering, is definitely worth the price of admission.

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Jul 2, 2016

Playdead could have simply made yet another 'Limbo' and it would've been great. Instead, they kept the core gameplay and went into a bold yet familiar direction with it. 'Inside' hasn't left my thoughts since I completed it, and I doubt it will any time soon. It's a fantastic game that proves what the medium can do when used correctly, and provides an experience that can't be replicated by film or literature.

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88 / 100
Jun 28, 2016

Playdead’s greatest feat in creating Inside was making it look like they never created it in the first place.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jul 17, 2018

Inside offers a short but incredibly fun and thoughtful experience that will leave me thinking about it for a long time to come. It’s thoughtful puzzles and physics based platforming guide you on a fast paced journey which by the end may leave you with more questions than you started with. The port for the Nintendo Switch is fantastic and is my recommended platform to pick this up on if you are looking to jump into this game.

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10 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2019

I won’t delve too much into the story, but I will say that the ending – an it most certainly has an ending, is something that you and your friends may come to talk about, theorise about, and discuss for many weeks to come.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2016

‎Still, it doesn't take away from the fact that Inside is a game that's been one of the best released this year. There are fantastic puzzles in the game and the game is for the most part a lot of fun and addictive to play. If you like Limbo, you should play it too.‎

Review in Dutch | Read full review
Kevin de Bruin
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jul 17, 2018

‎Inside‎‎ is a great lurid journey of discovery where you watch with excitement every time your character experiences a near-death experience every time. Inside drags you through a lot of atmospheric scenes where you always feel like it can't get any more exciting. Yet it happens and you are regularly on the edge of your seat because you want to know why you have to go through all those deadly experiences. Inside is a four to five-hour experience where you watch with your mouth open as one of the best Indies develops‎.

Review in Dutch | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2018

Inside seems to be made for a console like the Switch. Keeping the screen in front of our eyes, we are one hundred percent absorbed in what is happening on it, thanks to which the game is even more addictive and has an even more pronounced effect on emotions.

Review in Polish | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Jul 5, 2016

Inside begeistert wie bereits sein Vorgänger mit einem großartigen Setting und einer doch sehr interessanten Geschichte. Leider baut sich in den 3-4 Stunden Spielzeit wenig an Herausforderung auf und auch die Rätsel fallen leider doch um einiges einfacher aus als damals in Limbo. Inside macht zwar nicht unbedingt alles richtig, bietet aber eine großartige Atmosphäre für einen Indie Titel und wird vor allem Limbo Fans wieder überzeugen können.

Review in German | Read full review

10 / 10
Jul 5, 2016

Dark, disturbing, satisfying and compelling. A masterpiece.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2016

Inside is a remarkable second effort from Playdead, surprisingly outshining their first outing, and a must play.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2016

Inside is intriguing, terrifying, haunting, puzzling and quite simply, magnificent.

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9.4 / 10.0
Jul 16, 2016

Delivers an even better experience than Limbo already did

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Aug 23, 2018

"Visually stunning, forces you to think about things outside the game."

Review in Finnish | Read full review

9.3 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2018

INSIDE is an absolutely incredible achievement in art, design and storytelling and comes highly recommended for any Switch ower’s library

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Jul 22, 2016

Inside is an excellent puzzle game that will certainly please fans of the genre. Everything works like a Swiss watch and it'd be a pity to let this interesting experience slide. If you want to add another high quality game to your library, don't hesitate. Inside is a good purchase that will give you many great moments.

Review in Slovak | Read full review

9 / 10
Aug 13, 2018

If you loved Limbo then do not hesitate, just grab your Switch and buy Inside. For such a simple game, it is remarkable how much variation there is. Puzzles are expertly thought-out, the atmosphere is top-notch and its crammed full of memorable moments. It’s a stunning but desolate adventure that I urge you to try out. Even though it’s a short experience, it makes you consider what you have just gone through long after completion. It is one of the standout games in the Switch’s ever-growing library.

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